Editor note: While there's at least one other applicable tag, I'd like to leave it at four tags to allow for a status-* tag.

In this blog post, there's an unusual use of a code block to quote LLM output.

Here's what the problematic section looks like:

enter image description here

Error #1: Judging by context, it seems like what's in the freehand red circle is likely LLM-generated, and should be included in the code block/quoted text

Error #2: Can blockquote formatting be used instead of a monospaced code block? You're quoting something, after all. If a code block must be used, can syntax highlighting please be disabled?


1 Answer 1


Thanks for the catch and suggestion. I've switched them all to quote formatting.

  • 2
    Thanks! Not sure if it was intentional, but you may want it to be one continuous blockquote rather than a bunch of smaller ones (assuming you have > text here[blank line]>more text, you'll need a > on the blank line to have the blockquote be continuous)
    – cocomac
    Commented Oct 23, 2023 at 16:29

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