I have joined more than 15 communities on Stack Exchange.

One of the things I enjoy is going to QuestionsMoreScore and seeing the most upvoted questions.

A lot of them are really interesting and they could make a good book.

Therefore, I wonder if there is a website/place where we could get a "feed" experience to browse the most popular questions of our communities and enjoy reading their answers?

  • 1
    I don't think there's a way to do this. You could do a search on stackexchange.com for, say,is:q score:100 answers:3 which delivers, alphabetically by site, 60k questions that have a 100+ score and at least 3 answers. But that's huge, probably not fun to sift through.
    – CDR
    Commented Jul 26, 2023 at 20:29
  • Hot Network Posts sidebar is the best way honestly.
    – TylerH
    Commented Jul 28, 2023 at 13:57

1 Answer 1


I thought RSS feeds might come to the rescue, but I dug and dug and dug through the various options, but didn't find any one solution that perfectly fits what you're looking for.

Here are the things I found that are sorta close:

  • Feed of active questions from all sites where you have an account
    • https://stackexchange.com/feeds/tagsets/${filterId}/my-sites?sort=active
    • To find your specific filter feed URL, you'll need to go to https://stackexchange.com/filters/my-sites, and then copy the URL from the link that's at the bottom of the page, to the right of the pagination buttons:
      • Location of "My Sites feed" link on https://stackexchange.com/filters/my-sites
  • Feed of a single site's "hot" questions:
    • https://${site}/feeds/hot
  • Feed of "hot" questions from (all?) sites across the Network:
    • https://stackexchange.com/feeds/questions

The only kind of feed I found sortable directly by score is the site-specific tag feed, unfortunately, which isn't super useful for surveying multiple sites:

  • http://${site}/feeds/tag?tagnames=${tag-or-+tags}&sort=votes

Of these, I think the closest thing might be either the Network-wide hot question feed, or using a feed reader to group together individually selected site-specific hot question feeds together, though I realize this isn't exactly what you're looking for.

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