I've accidentally voted on an answer on a site where I have less than 15 reputation. I wanted to undo it, but clicking it again just returns the same message that my vote was "recorded". Is there a way to undo this action before getting 15 reputation?

I think a feature to allow such users to undo it would be better, because someone can accidentally do what I did, and then forget about the question and therefore never undo their incorrect vote.

  • Did you upvote or accept an answer? You should have some time before your vote is locked, how long did it take for you to realize you 'misvoted'?
    – Joachim
    Commented Jan 28, 2023 at 12:18
  • @Joachim I upvoted it. I realised i misvoted roughly 4 seconds after I did.
    – Carla_
    Commented Jan 28, 2023 at 12:26

1 Answer 1


It doesn't really matter. It's taken into account for statistics, but doesn't really affect reputation if you have less than 15 reputation.

As far as I know the statistics are not used for anything, so it's literally a record in a database and nothing else. It also won't be 'converted' into real votes which count for post score and reputation once you hit the reputation levels to upvote and downvote.


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