In general, for all questions one of the required tags is displayed as the first tag. But for this community wiki question, a moderator-only-tag is displayed as the first tag and the required tag is displayed in the last position.

Is this a bug or any feature for the wiki question?

Screenshots for reference:

In the Home page: In the Home page

In the question page: In the question page

Here is another recent example (snapshots: Q&A page, homepage).


1 Answer 1


I guess this has something to do with the MSO → MSE migration.

The earliest snapshot I could find in the Wayback Machine is from July 2009:

enter image description here

when it was tagged (in that order) .

The earliest snapshot on Meta Stack Exchange is from September 2015

enter image description here

when the tags are .

Migration can do strange things to tag order, and I think this is no exception. When I my script edited the question earlier today, it did not change the tags, so they're left in their original order. If somebody edits those, I guess they'll end up in the correct order again.

  • 2
    Just tried making a tag edit, and it looks like you’re right, they’re now in the correct order. Commented Nov 26, 2021 at 13:14
  • 2
    @TheAmplitwist and rolling back doesn't restore the original order, it seems...
    – Glorfindel Mod
    Commented Nov 26, 2021 at 13:56

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