I want to post a question about creating augmented reality from 3D work made in Blender, but I don't know where to go to post it? I wanted to go to Blender Stack Exchange but not sure if I could get an answer for the AR part, since that's what's more important. Is there a site for something like this? Do I go to Stack Overflow? That seems to be for professional developers only.

The question I wanted to post:

I'm trying to find a way to export from Blender to an augmented reality app in order to view from the camera of a mobile device. I don't know what format to export as, and if there's any AR app that I can use on the mobile device to import the 3D work made in Blender (so that I wouldn't have to learn how to make an AR app myself). I'm just trying to get some advice from people who are more familiar with both Blender and AR. Thanks

  • No matter where you ask your question on the Stack Exchange network, chit chat like thanks should not be included - see help center.
    – PolyGeo
    Commented Aug 3, 2021 at 5:04

1 Answer 1


It seems to me that your root question is "which AR app is capable of showing models I have in Blender". That's a software recommendation question. Please read their question guidelines before asking - the community there gets lots of poor-quality questions and following those guidelines greatly increases your chances of getting a satisfactory answer.

Alternatively, since Blender Stack Exchange has an [export] tag, you can browse that and search for "AR" or "augmented" and see what apps other users use.


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