When is it appropriate to create a new question from a previous one on hold? I had a submission that required several edits to clarify. It was finally placed on hold. I posted another question that totally changed the references, the relevant statements and even altered the title but the new post was instantly deleted and I was told I must instead apply the new edits to the original post even though they read completely different and the focus is changed. I just need to know to avoid future mistakes with significant edits.

2 Answers 2


If you're asking the same question in a clearer/better way, then edit the question.

If you no longer have that question, and instead want to ask a completely different question, then you ask a new question.

  • Are you suggesting go with the moderators suggestion? I will in the future but I also know my specialty very well and doubt he understood the nuances of the change. But if the rules are to reopen a question on hold even after major edits I shall comply Commented Jan 26, 2017 at 16:50
  • @RichardStanzak I couldn't speak to the specifics of your question without seeing it. You've given me no reason to doubt the moderators decision. You haven't said anything that indicates you have a different question, rather than a need to improve your existing question.
    – Servy
    Commented Jan 26, 2017 at 16:52
  • My concern was because the totally revised question was instantly deleted, too soon to have been read. I am okay with this as long as the rules are questions even remotely related to those on hold must first resolve the first submission Commented Jan 26, 2017 at 16:59

If you believe it's a new question, you can ask separately, but treat it like a duplicate flag: explain clearly the ways in which the new question differs from the old one (but without tedious meta-commentary about how important it is that close-voters get it right).

Otherwise, editing the original is best. Editing is the designed way to leave the most history around cleanly. You can sometimes delete the original and re-ask, but it has to be clear that you're not just trying to slyly evade the decisions of the close- and reopen-voters on your original question.

  • As a new user I had no idea about the voting process to delete versus on hold. I now suspect the moderators believed I was trying to do a workaround on them when I deleted the initial question then posted the significantly edited version. Thank you for taking the time to explain this to me Commented Jan 26, 2017 at 20:36

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