Sorry if this is a duplicate, but I have not found an answer doing a few minutes of searching here on Meta.

Is there an easy way to set-up an auto-alert feature for "favorite" questions?

What I want to achieve:

  • Quickly 'mark' questions of interest - I can do this already with the regular fav star
  • Get a notification (email?) when a fav'ed question gets a new accepted answer

In particular:

  • I do not want to get notified on any change to the question, just when an answer gets (newly) accepted.
  • I do not want to set this up for a tag, but for a sub-group of questions to which I can quickly add/remove questions. (I believe the favorites would be the best way to go.)

Why? Essentially, I want to be able to browse the site for interesting things - adding fav-stars as I go along - and then not be present for a while. Instead of actively checking all my favorites each time I get online, I would like some convenience.

  • There is stack2rss which you could put a call to your favourites in to, but it looks like it strips pretty much everything from the rss so theres no way to know wether a question has been answered or not. The API call itself does tell you wether a question is answered though so it's definitely possible.
    – Cai
    Commented Oct 5, 2016 at 14:01


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