Especially on websites like Ask Different, <kbd>foo</kbd> is used a lot to markup keys on a keyboard correctly.

It would be super useful to have a simple Markdown syntax for it.

There’s already a syntax for inline code spans:

`x = 42;`

…which turns into:

<code>x = 42;</code>

For <kbd>, I’d like to suggest double backtick syntax:


…which would then be converted into:


Currently, the double backtick syntax has the same effect as the single backtick syntax — it just turns into an inline <code> span. So I’d say this change is backwards compatible.

Update: As Brock Adams pointed out in the comments, the double backtick syntax is already used for raw code snippets, so it’s probably not ideal to overload it. How about using the tilde, e.g. ~Shift~?

This would allow us to type keyboard keys much faster. Thanks for your consideration.

  • 2
    Can't use a double back-tick; It would totally break displaying a code-formatted slash (\). Commented Apr 23, 2012 at 9:24
  • The <kbd> tag used to work, didn't it? Like <kbd>F1</kbd> Commented Apr 23, 2012 at 9:24
  • 1
    @HenkHolterman, it still works. He just doesn't want to have to type it all out. Commented Apr 23, 2012 at 9:25
  • 4
    Why not give yourself a button that does it? Shouldn't be hard to script... Commented Apr 23, 2012 at 9:26
  • @Manishearth A Markdown syntax would be much faster. I’m a keyboard user; I don’t like pressing buttons. Commented Apr 23, 2012 at 9:27
  • 1
    @BrockAdams - not in comments (anymore?) Commented Apr 23, 2012 at 9:27
  • @MathiasBynens, you can use script to give keyboard shortcuts to things, too (or even implement your own mark-up interpreter). Commented Apr 23, 2012 at 9:28
  • 1
    @HenkHolterman, <kbd> never did work in comments. They've deliberately kept most markup out of those. Commented Apr 23, 2012 at 9:30
  • Why the downvote? Commented Apr 23, 2012 at 9:46
  • @MathiasBynens Voting is different on meta Commented Apr 23, 2012 at 9:52
  • 1
    @Manishearth How can anyone “disagree” with a feature request like this? If you don’t need it, it won’t bother you either — just don’t use it then. Commented Apr 23, 2012 at 9:55
  • 8
    Technically, any addition to markdown is a breaking change - after all, anyone could have used ~Foo~ at any point. Is this really common enough to need markdown changes? As a side note, editor changes (i.e. some keypress like the existing Ctrl+B for bold etc) might be less contentious... Commented Apr 23, 2012 at 9:55
  • @mathias. What Marc said. I'm open to writing a userscript for you guys, though it may take a while. Commented Apr 23, 2012 at 10:01
  • @MarcGravell What would be an acceptable example of using ~Foo~ in text (not code!) where removing the ~ would “break” it, i.e. make it unreadable? Commented Apr 23, 2012 at 10:44
  • 1
    @MathiasBynens how about the one in your question? all of a sudden, the meaning has changed... (ok, in reality we wouldn't apply inside ` sections) Commented Apr 23, 2012 at 10:52

2 Answers 2


I went ahead and made a userscript for this. See "kbd markup shortcuts" at stackapps. This script adds both a button and a keyboard shortcut (AltK) for adding <kbd></kbd> tags.

Read more about it at stackapps, or install it.

Copy of the latest source:

// ==UserScript==
// @name        StackExchange, Add kbd, sup, and sub shortcuts
// @description Adds buttons and keyboard shortcuts to add <kbd>, <sup>, <sub> tags, and more.
// @match       *://*.askubuntu.com/*
// @match       *://*.mathoverflow.net/*
// @match       *://*.serverfault.com/*
// @match       *://*.stackapps.com/*
// @match       *://*.stackexchange.com/*
// @match       *://*.stackoverflow.com/*
// @match       *://*.superuser.com/*
// @exclude     *://api.stackexchange.com/*
// @exclude     *://blog.*.com/*
// @exclude     *://chat.*.com/*
// @exclude     *://data.stackexchange.com/*
// @exclude     *://elections.stackexchange.com/*
// @exclude     *://openid.stackexchange.com/*
// @exclude     *://stackexchange.com/*
// @exclude     *://*/review
// @grant       none
// @version     4.3
// @history     4.3 Fix to work with throwback page layout of the user's "Edit your profile" page.
// @history     4.2 Speeded icon add when user elects to answer their own question.
// @history     4.1 Restored icons after SE layout changes; Added checks for layout changes; Code tweaks.
// @history     4.0 Refactor à la MVC, in prep for options dialog; Fix double markup on slow page loads; Add multi-word split for <kbd>.
// @history     3.0 SE changed positioning; Added hover highlites; Added <br>; Added <del>; Clear JSHint warnings.
// @history     2.3 Add mathoverflow.net.
// @history     2.2 Update test and minor text formatting.
// @history     2.1 No point in injecting the script anymore, due to Chrome and Firefox changes.
// @history     2.0 Update for SE changes (jQuery version, esp.), Added <sup> and <sub> support. Moved to GitHub proper.
// @history     1.2 SSL support
// @history     1.1 Style tweak
// @history     1.0 Standardized wrap logic to same as SE markup
// @history     1.0 Initial release on GitHubGist
// @author      Brock Adams
// @homepage    http://stackapps.com/q/3341/7653
// @updateURL   https://github.com/BrockA/SE-misc/raw/master/Add_kbd_sup_sub_shortcuts.user.js
// ==/UserScript==
/* global $, StackExchange */
/* eslint-disable no-multi-spaces, curly */

var rootNode = $("#content");
var scConfig = [
    // titleName,   tagText,  btnText,          bSoloTag, bNotTag, keyTxt, keyCode, kbModifiers (Alt/Ctrl/Shift), kbModArry, bWrapByWord
    // 0            1         2                 3      4      5          6   7        8   9
    ["Keyboard",    "kbd",    "<kbd>kb</kbd>",  false, false, "K",       75, ["Alt"], [], true],
    ["Superscript", "sup",    "<sup>sup</sup>", false, false, "&#8593;", 38, ["Alt"], [], false],  // Up arrow
    ["Subscript",   "sub",    "<sub>sub</sub>", false, false, "&#8595;", 40, ["Alt"], [], false],  // Dwn arrow
    ["Del/strike",  "del",    "<del>del</del>", false, false, "X",       88, ["Alt"], [], false],
    ["Break",       "br",     "&crarr;",        true,  false, "B",       66, ["Alt"], [], false],
    ["em-space",    "&emsp;", "&harr;",         true,  true,  "M",       77, ["Alt"], [], false],
let targetKeyCodes      = [];
let targetCssClasses    = [];

$("textarea.wmd-input").each (AddOurButtonsAsNeeded);

rootNode.on ("focus",   "textarea.wmd-input", AddOurButtonsAsNeeded);
rootNode.on ("keydown", "textarea.wmd-input", InsertOurTagByKeypress);
rootNode.on ("click",   ".tmAdded",  InsertOurTagByClick);
rootNode.on ("click",   "#self-answer-popup > .popup-actions .popup-submit",  () => {
    $("textarea.wmd-input").each (AddOurButtonsAsNeeded);
} );

/*--- Pre-build button HTML. It's like:
        <li class="wmd-button tmAdded wmd-kbd-button" title="Keyboard tag &lt;kbd&gt; Alt+K">
    for each new button.
let btnsHtml = "";
for (let btn of scConfig) {
    let btnClssTxt      = btn[1].replace (/\W/g, "");
    btnClssTxt          = `wmd-${btnClssTxt}-button`;
    let btnTtlDetail    = btn[4]  ?  btn[1]  :  `&lt;${btn[1]}&gt;`;
    let btnKeyHint      = btn[7].join ('+') + `+${btn[5]}`;
    targetCssClasses.push (btnClssTxt);
    btnsHtml += `
        <li class="wmd-button tmAdded ${btnClssTxt}" title="${btn[0]} ${btnTtlDetail} ${btnKeyHint}">

//--- Compile keyboard modifiers and quick-check list.
for (let btn of scConfig) {
    let btnMods = btn[7];
    for (let kbMod of btnMods) {
        switch (kbMod.toLowerCase() ) {
            case "alt":     btn[8].push ("altKey");     break;
            case "ctrl":    btn[8].push ("ctrlKey");    break;
            case "shift":   btn[8].push ("shiftKey");   break;
                console.warn (`***Userscript error: Illegal keyboard modifier: "${kbMod}"`);
    targetKeyCodes.push (btn[6]);

function AddOurButtonsAsNeeded () {
    var jThis   = $(this);
    if ( ! jThis.data ("hasKbdBttn") ) {
        //--- Find the button bar and add our buttons after the last, not help, button.
        var btnBar  = jThis.closest (".wmd-container").find (".wmd-button-bar");
        if (btnBar.length) {
            //--- The button bar takes a while to AJAX-in.
            jThis.data ("loopSafety", 0);
            var bbListTimer = setInterval ( () => {
                var lpCnt   = jThis.data ("loopSafety") + 1;
                jThis.data ("loopSafety", lpCnt);
                if (lpCnt > 100) {  // 100 ~= 15 seconds
                    clearInterval (bbListTimer);
                    if (jThis.is(":visible") ) {  //  Avoid triggering on unused self-answer textarea.
                        console.warn (`***Userscript error: Unable to find the wmd-button-row.`, jThis);
                var bbList  = btnBar.find (".wmd-button-row");
                if (bbList.length) {
                    clearInterval (bbListTimer);
                    if (jThis.data ("hasKbdBttn") )  return;  // Guard against multiple timer overlap on slow pages.

                    let insrtPnt = bbList.find (".wmd-button").not (".wmd-help-button").last ();
                    insrtPnt.after (btnsHtml);
                    jThis.data ("hasKbdBttn", true);
            }, 150);
        else {
            console.warn (`***Userscript error: Unable to find the button bar.`);

function InsertOurTagByKeypress (zEvent) {
    //--- At least one modifier must be set
    if ( !zEvent.altKey  &&  !zEvent.ctrlKey  &&  !zEvent.shiftKey) {
        return true;
    let J = targetKeyCodes.indexOf (zEvent.which);
    if (J < 0)  return true;

    let btn             = scConfig[J];
    let matchesEvent    = true;
    for (let kbMod of btn[8]) {
        if ( ! zEvent[kbMod] ) {
            matchesEvent = false;
    if (matchesEvent) {
        let newHTML = btn[4]  ?  btn[1]  :  `<${btn[1]}>`;
        InsertOurTag (this, newHTML, btn[3], btn[9]);
        return false;
    //--- Ignore all other keys.
    return true;

function InsertOurTagByClick () {
    //--- From the clicked button, find the matching textarea.
    var jThis       = $(this);
    var targArea    = jThis.closest (".wmd-button-bar").nextAll (".js-stacks-validation").find ("textarea.wmd-input");
    if (targArea.length === 0) {
        //-- The "Edit your profile" page currently uses a different (mostly throwback) layout.
        targArea    = jThis.closest (".wmd-button-bar").next ("textarea.wmd-input");
        if (targArea.length === 0) {
            console.warn (`***Userscript error: Unable to find the textarea from button.`);

    for (let J in targetCssClasses) {
        if (jThis.hasClass (targetCssClasses[J] ) ) {
            let btn     = scConfig[J];
            let newHTML = btn[4]  ?  btn[1]  :  `<${btn[1]}>`;

            InsertOurTag (targArea[0], newHTML, btn[3], btn[9]);
            targArea.focus ();
            try {
                //--- This is a utility function that SE currently provides on its pages.
                StackExchange.MarkdownEditor.refreshAllPreviews ();
            catch (e) {
                console.error ("***Userscript error: refreshAllPreviews() is no longer defined!", e);

function InsertOurTag (node, tagTxt, bTagHasNoEnd, bWrapByWord) {
    //--- Wrap selected text or insert at curser.
    var tagLength       = tagTxt.length;
    var endTag          = tagTxt.replace (/</, "</");
    var unwrapRegex     = new RegExp ('^' + tagTxt + '((?:.|\\n|\\r)*)' + endTag + '$');

    var oldText         = node.value || node.textContent;
    var newText;
    var iTargetStart    = node.selectionStart;
    var iTargetEnd      = node.selectionEnd;
    var selectedText    = oldText.slice (iTargetStart, iTargetEnd);
    var possWrappedTxt;

    if (bTagHasNoEnd) {
        newText         = oldText.slice (0, iTargetStart) + tagTxt + oldText.slice (iTargetStart);
        iTargetStart   += tagLength;
        iTargetEnd     += tagLength;
    else {
        try {
            //--- Lazyman's overrun checking...
            possWrappedTxt  = oldText.slice (iTargetStart - tagLength,  iTargetEnd + tagLength + 1);
        catch (e) {
            possWrappedTxt  = "Text can't be wrapped, cause we overran the string.";

        /*--- Is the current selection wrapped?  If so, just unwrap it.
            This works the same way as SE's bold, italic, code, etc...
            "]text["                --> "<sup>]text[</sup>"
            "<sup>]text[</sup>"     --> "]text["
            "]<sup>text</sup>["     --> "<sup>]<sup>text</sup>[</sup>"

            Except that:
            "]["                    --> "<sup>][</sup>"
            "<sup>][</sup>"         --> "]["
            with no placeholder text.

            And (Wrap by Word Mode):
            "]Shift P["                         --> "<kbd>]Shift</kbd> <kbd>P[</kbd>"
            "<kbd>]Shift</kbd> <kbd>P[</kbd>"   --> "]Shift P["

            And: No wrapping or unwrapping is done on tags with no end tag, nor on non-tag text.

            Note that `]` and `[` denote the selected text here.
        if (possWrappedTxt  &&
            selectedText    == possWrappedTxt.replace (unwrapRegex, "$1")
        ) {
            let coreText    = selectedText;
            if (bWrapByWord) {
                let strpRE  = new RegExp (`${tagTxt}|${endTag}`, 'g');
                coreText    = coreText.replace (strpRE, "");
            iTargetStart   -= tagLength;
            iTargetEnd     += tagLength + 1;
            newText         = oldText.slice (0, iTargetStart) + coreText + oldText.slice (iTargetEnd);
            iTargetEnd      = iTargetStart + coreText.length;
        else {
            /*--- Here we will wrap the selection in our tags, but there is one extra
                condition.  We don't want to wrap leading or trailing whitespace.
            var trimSelctd  = selectedText.match (/^(\s*)(\S?(?:.|\n|\r)*\S)(\s*)$/)  ||  ["", "", "", ""];
            if (trimSelctd.length != 4) {
                console.warn ("***Userscript error: unexpected failure of whitespace RE.");
            else {
                let wrappedText = tagTxt + trimSelctd[2] + endTag;
                if (bWrapByWord  &&  trimSelctd[2].length) {
                    let pieces  = trimSelctd[2].split (/(\W+)/);
                    wrappedText = "";
                    for (let piece of pieces) {
                        if (piece.length  &&  /\w/.test (piece[0]) )
                            wrappedText += tagTxt + piece + endTag;
                            wrappedText += piece;
                newText         = trimSelctd[1]     //-- Leading whitespace, if any.
                                + wrappedText
                                + trimSelctd[3]     //-- Trailing whitespace, if any.
                newText         = oldText.slice (0, iTargetStart)
                                + newText + oldText.slice (iTargetEnd)
                iTargetStart   += tagLength + trimSelctd[1].length;
                iTargetEnd     += wrappedText.length - endTag.length - trimSelctd[2].length - trimSelctd[3].length;

    node.value          = newText;
    //--- After using spelling corrector, this gets buggered, hence the multiple sets.
    node.textContent    = newText;

    //--- Have to reset the selection, since we overwrote the text.
    node.selectionStart = iTargetStart;
    node.selectionEnd   = iTargetEnd;

//--- Touch up styles...
var newStyle         = document.createElement ('style');
newStyle.textContent = `
    .tmAdded > span {
        background-image: none;
    .tmAdded:hover {
        color: orange;
    .wmd-kbd-button {
        margin-right: 1ex;
    .wmd-kbd-button > span > kbd {
        border: 0px;
    .wmd-kbd-button:hover > span > kbd {
        background: orange;
    .wmd-br-button > span {
        font-size: 120%;
        font-weight: bold;
document.head.appendChild (newStyle);

For Pentadactyl users wanting a simple macro to insert the kbd tags and move the cursor, here's what you need in your .pentadactylrc to add an Alt+k binding on Stack Exchange sites (extend site list as necessary):

group stackexchange -locations=stackoverflow.com,stackexchange.com,superuser.com
map -modes insert <A-k> <S-<>kbd<S->><S-<>/kbd<S->><Left><Left><Left><Left><Left><Left>
group user

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