What kind of moderation tools are available in Stackexchange to delete questions automatically that contain specified keywords or download links?

It's been few weeks that I see someone making new accounts and posting a question with a similar content and one download link. I always flag it as spam, maybe few others do the same and question gets removed after few hours. Is there a better way to manage such spam posts?

Example: CryptoDredge 0.23.0 - NVIDIA GPU Miner


  • 4
    Well, I think part of it is that six spam flags will auto-delete the offending post. That's an auto-tool.
    – Ollie
    Commented Oct 24, 2020 at 18:19
  • 10
    If it takes a few hours, that's quite long if it's obvious spam. Perhaps the people at Charcoal HQ can help you set up something so their SmokeDetector bot can help shorten the time those posts are up. But they'll probably need some info on the content of those posts and the posts need to fit a pattern. You might also want to read up on Spam ram.
    – Tinkeringbell Mod
    Commented Oct 24, 2020 at 18:26
  • 5
    There's actually a really good blog post on this subject, written by ArtOfCode. For what it's worth, I've reported the spam question you linked to Charcoal, a group of users who exist to fight spam across the network through the use of a bot known as SmokeDetector. It'll be swept up soon enough, I'm sure. :)
    – Spevacus
    Commented Oct 24, 2020 at 18:43

1 Answer 1


What kind of moderation tools are available in Stack Exchange to delete questions automatically that contain specified keywords or download links?

Automatically? Part of the system is that when a post receives six red flags, or one moderator red flag, it's automatically deleted.

If it takes a long time (like an hour or so) to delete a post that has spam flags, or is obvious spam and still hasn't been deleted, you can always go to Tavern on the Meta or the local chat room, and use !!/report to report the post to Charcoal. If you don't have that privilege, you can have a privileged user look at it, and they will report/delete it.

Also, for more on this, you should look at posts that talk about SpamRam, Stack Exchange's spam filter system.

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