At the end of our Code of Conduct page, we have following line:

This text incorporates ideas and language from the Coral Project and Buffer codes of conduct.

I would link to point out that the link for Coral Project CoC i.e https://coralproject.net/code-of-conduct/ is no longer accessible. Since the CoC moved to another domain, current link redirects to the home page of Coral Project.

Coral has changed/relaunched as Vox Media, hence the Acceptable Use Policy page on of Coral Project stats:

All Publishers are expected to abide by the Vox Media Code of Conduct. Failure to abide by the Code of Conduct or these guidelines may result in suspension of publication privileges or termination of accounts.

So, I think we should update the link from https://coralproject.net/code-of-conduct/ to https://code-of-conduct.voxmedia.com/

Note that I found sometimes http:// doesn't work for me whereas https:// works fine.



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