I have been using the data explorer to examine the stackoverflow data and I don't know what some of the votetypeids mean.

I am specifically interested in the following

  1. Votetypeid 2: UpMod; is this equivalent to an upvote?
  2. Votetypeid 3: DownMod; is this equivalent to a downvote?
  3. Votetypeid 15: ModeratorReview; does this refer to a request for moderation or that the post has been reviewed by a moderator?
  4. Votetypeid 16: ApproveEditSuggestion; does this refer to an edit has been approved or does it mean an edit is requested.

1 Answer 1


Votetypeid 2: UpMod; is this equivalent to an upvote?


Votetypeid 3: DownMod; is this equivalent to a downvote?


Votetypeid 15: ModeratorReview; does this refer to a request for moderation or that the post has been reviewed by a moderator?

This refers to a moderator viewing the post after it's been flagged for moderator attention.

Votetypeid 16: ApproveEditSuggestion; does this refer to an edit has been approved or does it mean an edit is requested.

This refers to someone voting to approve a suggested edit. It might take more than one vote to approve an edit. (Most sites require 2 or 3... and moderator votes are binding, so only one of those is necessary.)


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