Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

The Star Trek: The Next Generation and Star Trek: Deep Space Nine crossover.


Log entries[]

Chief medical officer's log
Dr. Lenara Kahn was clinically dead when we found her.
I don't know how long she's been down. Perhaps too long.
Here core temperature is still just barely high enough to keep the symbiont alive, but its vitals are flatlining , too.
Don't know if I'll revive her.
If I can, she might lead us to Ezri before it's too late. Before Ezri winds up as dead as Kahn is right now.
It's Ironic...
...I'm fighting to save a life when all I want to do is kill someone...
I can feel the adrenaline pumping through me for battle, driving me to crush whomever stands between me and Ezri...
But right now I'd settle for one heartbeat from Lenara.
Severe Hypothermia... Bruising along the intercostals... But no serious trauma, now internal injuries... why is she regaining consciousness.
I'll have to set the cortical stimulator to maximum-- It's risky...
Ah, there we go.
Heartbeat weak but steady... blood pressure rising... Sinus rhythm resuming...
Brainwave patterns stabilizing.
Her synaptic responses are going haywire... even set on maximum, the stimulator shouldn't have caused readings like this...
...Still she's lucky to be alive.
I just hope Ezri doesn't nee this kind of luck.
Captain's log
The Enterprise has joined the starship Defiant in standard orbit over Trill.
Doctor Crusher is preparing the Odan symbiont for transport to the caves of Mak'Ala where he can, we hope be nursed back to full health.
Meanwhile, I'm receiving bad news from an old friend...
Medical log
We're on our way to the caves of Mak'Ala aboard the shuttle Garrett. The symbionts condition appears stable, but I don't want to risk beaming it down.



Julian Bashir • Cail • Beverly Crusher • Data • Ezri Dax • Faylen • Lenara Kahn • Verad Kalon • Geordi La Forge • Nog • Odan • Kinjer Odan • Kareel Odan • Jean-Luc Picard • Will Riker • Roka • Thirishar ch'Thane • Deanna Troi • Elias Vaughn
Referenced only
Jack Crusher • Emony Dax


Caves of Mak'ala • Deep Space 9 • Trill

Starships and vehicles[]

USS Defiant (Defiant-class) • USS Enterprise (Sovereign-class) • Garrett (Type-11 shuttlecraft)

Races and cultures[]

Andorian • Betazoid • Ferengi • Human • Trill

States and organizations[]

Purists • Starfleet • United Federation of Planets

Other references[]

antimatter • cortical stimulator • phaser • phaser rifle • thorocrine





previous comic:
#1: Crossfire
Divided We Fall next comic:
#3: All Fall Down

External link[]

