Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Leland was a male Human, a Federation citizen serving as a covert operative in Section 31 and a captain in Starfleet Intelligence in the mid-23rd century. (ST video game: Star Trek Timelines portal packs "Fresh Faces" and "New Talent", DSC episode: "Point of Light")


At one point Leland and Captain Christopher Pike had been friends, but had a falling out of sorts due to Leland's involvement in Section 31. (DSC episode: "Saints of Imperfection")

In the year 2257, Leland, disguised as Trill, offered Philippa Georgiou a Section 31 Starfleet badge, and asked her to join Section 31. (ST video game: Star Trek Timelines portal packs "Fresh Faces" and "New Talent", DSC episode: "Will You Take My Hand?")

Leland's scene with Georgiou was not actually included in the broadcast version of the episode, but was posted to the Internet as a bonus scene[citation needed] following the broadcast. It was included in the deleted scenes in the blu-ray release of Season 1 of Discovery.

Later that year, Control advised Leland that Ash Tyler would be a useful asset to Section 31, which Leland in turn passed along to Georgiou. He took Tyler and VoQ's son, Tenavik to Boreth. (DSC episode: "Point of Light")

When the USS Discovery intercepted a shuttle craft with former Terran Emperor Philippa Georgiou on board Leland contacted Captain Pike to request she be released to continue her pursuit of Spock. He later assisted the Discovery in their mission to rescue Sylvia Tilly.(DSC episode: "Saints of Imperfection")

At Essof IV, Leland assisted the crew of Discovery in capturing the Red Angel. However, Leland was captured by control. Leland was restrained by Control, injected with Nanites and was subsequently killed. Control used Leland's body as a puppet in it's attempt to take Discovery's Sphere data. However, Tyler and Georgiou were able to realize that Leland was control.(DSC episodes: "The Red Angel", "Perpetual Infinity")

Around 2380, Leland was one of the people brought into a reorganized Milky Way Galaxy during the temporal anomaly crisis. (ST video game: Star Trek Timelines)

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Known members and associates of Section 31
primary universe Olivia Akomo • Caliq Azura • Julian Bashir • Gabrielle Burnham • Mike Burnham • Lance Cartwright • Cole • Katrina Cornwell • Control • Dietz • Matthew Dougherty • Sarina Douglas • Franklin Drake • Enderby • Darwyn Friel • Kamran Gant • Philippa Georgiou • Matthew Harris • Jedburgh • Karim • Bendes Kettaract • Ken Kitsom • Ko Ji-hoon • Jhun Kulkarno • L'Haan • Peter Lawrence • Lee • Leland • Ethan Locken • Roberta Luke • Merra • Erovan M'Rill • Olim Parra • Patar • Tinh Hoc Phuong • Erik Pressman • Ramirez • Parvati Rao • Malcolm Reed • Tomas Roeder • William Ross • Connaught Rossa • Sakonna • Luther Sloan • Eric Stillwell • Aubin Tabor • Malla Tancreda • Kestellenar th'Teshinaal • Charles Tucker III • Ash Tyler • David Webb • Marcus Williams • Vasily Zeitsev • Cortin Zweller Section 31 Starfleet black badge image. 31
Kelvin timeline Thomas Harewood • John Harrison • Robert April • Alexander Marcus • Yuki Sulu • unnamed Section 31 personnel


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