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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

In the mirror universe, TSC[3] Moedigesnuit was a 22nd[2] century Tellarite starship, a Phinda-class[1] frigate and warship[2] in Terran Empire rebellion service in the 2150s decade. Its commander was Rog. (ENT - Mirror Universe - Glass Empires novel: Age of the Empress)

Service history and disposition[]

TPol (mirror)

T'Pol, ex-Imperial Starfleet.

The Moedigesnuit was a Tellarite frigate. (ENT - Mirror Universe - Glass Empires novel: Age of the Empress)


Rebel leader T'Pau.

In the primary universe, the Tellar Space Administration commissioned the Phinda-class frigate in the 2150s. (ENT - The Romulan War novel: Beneath the Raptor's Wing)

The Terran Empire had conquered the Tellarites, prompting them to participate in an rebellion against their Terran overlords. General Gral was a notable leader of the rebellion. Commander Rog was taller and pudgier than General Gral.

Ni'Var Timelines

The Ni'Var in 2155.

In the year 2155, T'Pol was on the run from Imperial Starfleet after stealing the 23rd century Federation Class F shuttlecraft McCool and delivering it to the anti-Terran rebellion. Aboard the Vulcan cruiser Ni'Var, T'Pau assembled her fellow rebel leaders, including Generals Gral of the Tellarites and Navaar of the Orions, to allow T'Pol to make her case.

The Moedigesnuit, alongside Navaar's corsair, held station off the bow of the Ni'Var while Gral and Rog were aboard for the meeting. Rog remained silent while his attention rested on the Orion delegation. A window behind T'Pau allowed T'Pol to spot the Tellarite warship and Orion corsair during the discussion. T'Pau called for a unified response of all rebel forces, and led the delegation leaders to the Ni'Var's hangar bay to inspect the futuristic McCool. (ENT - Mirror Universe - Glass Empires novel: Age of the Empress)



General Gral.



Template:Phinda class

Appearances and references[]




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from the Real World
point of view
Memory Beta
  • Moedige snuit is Dutch for "brave snout".