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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For the primary universe counterpart, see Avenger (NX-09).
For other uses, see Avenger.

In the mirror universe, the ISS Avenger (NX-09) was a 22nd century Terran Empire starship, an NX-class battleship[2] in Imperial Starfleet service in the 2150s decade. The ship's motto, displayed on its uniform mission patch, was the Latin phrase Audentes Fortuna Imperii — "the bold are the fortune of the Empire". (ENT episode: "In a Mirror, Darkly, Part II")

Service history and disposition[]

Terran Empire rebellion[]

Avenger under attack

The Avenger takes fire from rebels.

In 2155, the Terrans were embroiled in a war with the alien subjects of their empire. The battle at Tau Ceti, the Terran Empire lost twelve ships against the Terran Empire rebellion. (ENT episode: "In a Mirror, Darkly")

Admiral Black

Admiral Logan Black aboard Avenger.

In that year, the Avenger was the flagship of Admiral Logan Black's assault fleet. Around 18 January, the fleet was almost totally destroyed by Andorian, Tellarite and Vulcan rebels. The captain of the Avenger was killed, and Admiral Black assumed command over the mixed Terran/alien crew.

Avenger and Defiant at warp

Avenger and Defiant.

Fortunately, the USS Defiant, commanded by acting captain Jonathan Archer arrived and drove the rebels off with its advanced weaponry. Archer and his crew, survivors of the ISS Enterprise, had taken this time-displaced 23rd century Federation starship from the Tholians. Black rejected Commander Archer's suggestion to promote him to captaincy and give him the Defiant officially. Angered by the slight and perceiving Black's ambition to present the Defiant to the Emperor of the Terran Empire himself, Archer had Black killed. Encouraged by his mistress Hoshi Sato, Archer sought to return to Earth and unseat the government. Except for Doctor Phlox, all non-Terrans were transferred to the Avenger, and Crewman Soval assumed leadership. Fearing an anti-alien reprisal under Archer's rule of the Empire, Soval and T'Pol conspired with Phlox to sabotage the Defiant.

While T'Pol captured the Constitution-class heavy cruiser's schematics, Phlox disabled the power supply and Soval led the Avenger in an attack on the futuristic ship. Sato captured T'Pol, Commander Charles Tucker disabled Phlox and undid his sabotage, and Archer ordered the Avenger destroyed. The Avenger was destroyed by phasers and photon torpedos. (ENT episode: "In a Mirror, Darkly, Part II")

Avenger-class aft

The ISS Avenger in 2409.


In the 25th century, the name ISS Avenger was carried by a Sentinel-class star cruiser serving the Second Terran Empire during its incursion into the primary universe. In 2409, this Avenger was part of the Terran invasion fleet harassing Federation ships in the Zeta Andromedae sector block. (STO - Cardassian Struggle mission: "Defend the Zeta Andromedae Sector Block")

Avenger NX-09 Timelines

The alternate Avenger in 2380.

Alternate timelines[]

In an alternate timeline created by the Q Continuum's temporal anomaly crisis, versions of the ISS Avenger was pulled into the 2380s decade of the 24th century. At least one ISS Avenger was acquired by Federation Starfleet and deployed to help Q resolve the crisis. (ST video game: Timelines)


Soval mirror

Science officer Soval.



Ships named Avenger
United States Small craft class: TBF Avenger USA flag
Federation Starfleet USS Avenger (NX-09, NX-class) • USS Avenger (NCC-1980) • USS Avenger (NCC-1860, Miranda-class) • USS Avenger (Defiant-class) • USS Avenger (NCC-97500, Avenger-class prototype)

see also: Avenger-class (23rd century scout) • Avenger-class (25th century battlecruiser)

UFP emblem image. Seal of the Federation Starfleet.
Terran Empire ISS Avenger (NX-09, NX-class) • ISS Avenger (NCC-95792, Sentinel-class) Seal of the Terran Empire.
United Earth Starfleet Avenger (NX-09, NX-class) Earth's seal. Starfleet emblem. Klingon Defense Force IKV Avenger Klingon Empire flag image.
Romulan Star Empire Avenger (22nd century warship) • Avenger (K'hanakh-class) Emblem of the Romulan Star Empire. Cardassian Union CDS Avenger (scout) • CDS Avenger (Galor-class battleship) Emblem of the Cardassian Union
NX-class cruiser starships
United Earth, Starfleet Enterprise (NX-01) • Columbia (NX-02) • Challenger (NX-03) • Excalibur (NX-03) • Discovery (NX-04) • Constellation (NX-04) • Atlantis (NX-05) • Slayton (NX-05) • Endeavour (NX-06) • Intrepid (NX-07) • Defiant • Lexington • Avenger (NX-09) • Currie (NX-16) • unnamed Emblem of United Earth. Seal of the Earth Starfleet.
Federation, Starfleet Enterprise (NX-01 replicas) • Columbia (NX-02) • Challenger (NX-03) • Avenger (NX-09) • Tyson • Utopia (NCC-2151-01) UFP emblem image. Seal of the Federation Starfleet.
Federation Starfleet
(Kelvin timeline)
Slayton (NX-05) {{{2}}} icon image.
Terran Empire Starfleet
(mirror universe)
Enterprise (NX-01) • Akagi • Avenger (NX-09) • Bismarck • Broadsword • Dauntless • Interceptor • Khan's Wrath • unnamed Seal of the Terran Empire.

Appearances and references[]



  1. ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 ENT episode: "In a Mirror, Darkly".
  2. ↑ 2.0 2.1 ENT - Mirror Universe - Glass Empires novel: Age of the Empress.
  3. ↑ CCG set: What You Leave Behind, card: "Logan Black".
  4. ↑ CCG set: What You Leave Behind, card: "D'Vela".

External link[]
