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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For other uses, see Chula.

Wadi physical game pieces.

Chula is a highly advanced Wadi game that places real people in a game. The game is usually played in Chula halls and those particularly adept at it are referred to as having "chula eyes". (DS9 novel: Rising Son)


Chula echoes

In chula, fooled by the echoes of a lost player.

In 2369, Falow and several other Wadi came to Deep Space 9 to visit Quark's. After they discovered Quark had cheated them at dabo, they started a game of Chula. Benjamin Sisko, Kira Nerys, Jadzia Dax and Julian Bashir were all placed in the game as pieces. The object of the game was to, "move along home," and recite in rhyme to get through several obstacles. Although the chula game featured bottomless pits and falling rocks, the crew were never in any danger and were released when the game ended. (DS9 episode: "Move Along Home")

Chula trickery

In chula, tricked by doors.

Several crewmembers of the Even Odds played chula, including Facity Sleedow, Itriuma and Fajgin. (DS9 novel: Rising Son)




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