Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Multiple realities
(covers information from several alternate timelines)


Wisconsin was a region located in the interior of the North American continent of Earth. This was a state in the United States of America.

The border states were Minnesota, Michigan, Iowa, and Illinois. (DS9: "Little Green Men"; ENT: "Storm Front", "Storm Front, Part II")

The cities of Madison and Manitowoc were located in Wisconsin. (TNG: "Time's Arrow"; ENT: "Vanishing Point", "Storm Front", "Storm Front, Part II")

In an alternate timeline in which Nazi Germany had invaded the United States, as of 1944 Wisconsin was controlled by American forces. (ENT: "Storm Front", "Storm Front, Part II")

Wisconsin was named on a map of the United States (Die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika). The contours of this state were seen on a map of the United States in "Little Green Men".

See also[]

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