Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Bill "Wil" Thoms was a Starfleet officer in the 24th century.

In 2353, he was listed as a Starfleet Operational Support Services officer on a directory placard at Starbase 32, Maxia sector. His office was located in room #53964. (TNG: "Violations", directory)

In 2365, he held the rank of captain, and served as the commanding officer of the USS Lexington. His name was listed on the Starship Deploy Status chart that was on display in the courtroom of Starbase 173. (TNG: "The Measure Of A Man", okudagram)

In 2373, he was a member of the Tactical Ops team listed on the dedication plaque of the USS Prometheus. (VOY: "Message in a Bottle", dedication plaque)

This character was only mentioned in writing.

He was named after special effects artist Wil Thoms.
