Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

The Maxia sector was a region of Federation space in the Alpha Quadrant. It bordered the Actium and Sierra sectors. Starbase 32 was located in this sector. (TNG: "Violations", set artwork)

In the 2380s, a section of the holographic map of the Alpha and Beta Quadrants, displayed to the former prisoners of Tars Lamora aboard the USS Protostar, was labeled as this sector. (PRO: "Starstruck")

It is presumed that this sector was named after the Maxia Zeta star system, which was colloquially called the Maxia system. This system's location in the Alpha Quadrant was seen in the star chart from the Star Trek: Picard episode "Maps and Legends". This system is remembered as the place where the Battle of Maxia occurred in 2355.

The name of this sector was mentioned on a placard office directory created by the art department and seen on the wall behind Picard in the flashback sequence.

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