Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Varuvian ore diagram

Diagram of Varuvian ore

Varuvian ore was a type of rock that contained minerals which became volatile when exposed to high frequency vibrations. A Varuvian explosion produced metreon particles and potentially also an ion cloud that interfered with transporter function. (LD: "Kayshon, His Eyes Open", "wej Duj")

A band of terrorists once attempted to use Varuvian ore to destroy Starbase 58.

In 2381, the Pakleds attacked several outposts to obtain Varuvian ore. Because weaponizing Varuvian ore was beyond the Pakleds' capabilities, Starfleet Command believed that they were being aided by another unknown party. Thus, an away team from the USS Titan was sent to infiltrate the Pakleds' next target, a Varuvian mining colony on Karzill IV, and plant a tracking device on the Pakleds' shuttle. (LD: "Kayshon, His Eyes Open")

Later that year, Captain Carol Freeman learned that the Pakleds were planning to smuggle a Varuvian bomb to Earth. However, the bomb was instead used on an asteroid by the crew of the Pakled Clumpship Pakled, who wanted to test its effectiveness. The ship's captain, Rebner, was seemingly stymied when the bomb had "stopped working" following its detonation. (LD: "The Spy Humongous", "wej Duj")
