Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

The USS Titan was a Federation starship that was in service prior to the 2380s.

In 2401, a model of this design was hung in the observation lounge of the USS Titan-A. (PIC: "Disengage", et al.)



Background information[]

This newer model was created for Star Trek: Picard and was based off Bill Krause's Shangri-La-class (β) model.

According to the Star Trek: Picard Logs, the Titan was a Shangri-La-class starship commissioned in 2290 with the registry NCC-1777. It was launched under the command of Captain Saavik. The Titan was made the Federation's flagship based on Captain Hikaru Sulu's recommendation. The Titan engaged in multiple encounters with the Klingon Empire, including the Exo-Port Takeover and Horizon Colony rescue. The Titan was also instrumental in maintaining frontier stability before the Khitomer Accords and subsequent launch of the USS Enterprise-B. [1]

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