Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Thon was a member of the Andorian Imperial Guard in the 2150s.

He was one of the four Andorians on the third raid of the Vulcan monastery at P'Jem in June 2151. They tried to prove that the sanctuary was a secret Vulcan listening post.

Upon the arrival of a landing party from Enterprise NX-01, Thon hid behind a divider in the atrium but Captain Jonathan Archer saw his reflection on an urn. Archer and Trip Tucker attacked Thon jumping through the divider but were overwhelmed by the other Andorians.

Thon assisted in taking the Vulcan monks hostage and searching all the rooms at the monastery. During a firefight with an assault team from Enterprise, Thon was stunned by a phase-pistol and remained unconscious until the Andorians left the site and discovered the secret Vulcan listening post. (ENT: "The Andorian Incident")

Background information[]

Gregg Sargeant, The Andorian Incident, production photo

Thonn in full attire

Thon was played by Stunt actor Gregg Sargeant who received no credit for this appearance. The name Thon originated from the source's script.

The call sheets list him as "Thon Stunt" and he filmed his scenes between Thursday 23 August 2001 and Tuesday 28 August 2001 on Paramount Stage 8 and 9.

Thon was the only Andorian who had no puppeteer controlling his antennae as they were not moveable. (Call sheet)
