Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Terminology referred to the vocabulary of a particular academic discipline, profession, or theme. A term was a word or phrase that had an exact meaning.

In 2268, James T. Kirk clarified the term "warp speed" to a confused Odona as "space terminology". (TOS: "The Mark of Gideon")

In 2269, the Excalbian recreation of Abraham Lincoln referred to Nyota Uhura as a "Negress" and apologetically noted that it was a term used by some in his time as a description of property (in reference to slavery). Uhura asked why she should object to that term, because Humans in her century learned not to fear words.

The terms good and evil were two opposing philosophies. (TOS: "The Savage Curtain")

In 2364, while meeting Clare Raymond in her quarters, Deanna Troi mentioned something about the local shrink, to which Raymond responded, "I'm sorry, I'm not familiar with that term." (TNG: "The Neutral Zone")

In 2374, Weyoun criticized Jake Sisko's reports for the Federation News Service on Deep Space 9's occupation by the Dominion, saying they were filled with pejorative terminology, and explained that he therefore was withholding their transmission. (DS9: "A Time to Stand")

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