Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Clare Raymond family tree, remastered 01

Clare Raymond on the family tree

Clare Raymond was a female Human in the 20th century. She was born in Indianapolis, Indiana, in 1959. At the time of her death in 1994, she was a homemaker.

Raymond was married to Donald Raymond with two sons, Tommy and Edward. When she died of an embolism at 35 years old, her husband had her body frozen and stored in a space module. The satellite drifted in space for more than three centuries until the USS Enterprise-D found it in 2364 near the Kazis binary system.

Not knowing what to do with the frozen bodies he discovered, Data brought her back to the Enterprise-D, where Dr. Crusher revived and cured her. Clare and the other two were supposed to transfer to the USS Charleston, which after several months would bring them to Earth. She had decided to look up her descendants, in particular Thomas Raymond, who was living in the Indianapolis area. (TNG: "The Neutral Zone", okudagram)

Background information[]

Clare Raymond was played by actress Gracie Harrison. The Star Trek Chronology, 1st ed., p. 16 and later the Star Trek Encyclopedia, 4th ed., vol. 2, p. 206 misspelled her first name as "Claire".

An okudagram in the episode incorrectly gives her birth and death years, respectively, as 1992 and 2035. These data points are corrected in the remastered version of the episode to match the dialogue and also indicated that Clare was from Indianapolis, Indiana.

Clare was also featured in the Eugenics Wars novel The Rise and Fall of Khan Noonien Singh, Volume Two by Greg Cox, wherein she "died" of Sarin nerve gas poisoning.

Watching the Clock reveals that, after finding trouble adjusting to life in the twenty-fourth century due to the limited activities available for her, Clare goes on to become a temporal displacement counselor for the Department of Temporal Investigations, helping people who have been the victim of time travel from the past to the future, such as the USS Bozeman, adjust to their new lives and talk about what they left behind in the past due to her own experiences. She and Sonny Clemonds once had a one-night stand, more to comfort each other over their shared fates than anything else.

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