Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
For the TNG episode of the same name, please see "Tapestry".
Unicorn tapestry

A tapestry of a unicorn

Vulcan tapestry at P'Jem

A Vulcan tapestry at P'Jem

Ventaxian tapestries

Ventaxian tapestries

Chakotay's tapestry

Chakotay's tapestry

A tapestry was a hand-woven piece of fabric that incorporated an image in its design.

In 1986, the Feinberg's Loan and Pawn antique shop had a number of tapestries for sell. They had images of women, unicorns, rabbits and other things on them. (Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home)

Vulcans also used tapestries as decorations for example at the monastery at P'Jem and on Dekendi III. Sometimes they depicted birds on their tapestries. (ENT: "The Andorian Incident", "Stigma")

The Ventaxians decorated their Atheneum on Ventax II with tapestries which featured geometrical shapes. (TNG: "Devil's Due")

In 2369, Captain Jean-Luc Picard used the metaphor of a tapestry when describing his near death experience with Q. Picard related to William T. Riker, "There were many things in my youth that I'm not proud of... they were loose threads... untidy parts of myself that I wanted to remove. But when I pulled on one of those threads... I unraveled the tapestry of my life." (TNG: "Tapestry")

In 2371, a lungless Neelix suggested that The Doctor put a tapestry or a painting on the "hideous" ceiling of USS Voyager's sickbay. (VOY: "Phage")

Kandra Vilk sold Bajoran tapestries at her shop on Deep Space 9's Promenade. (DS9: "In the Cards")

Commander Chakotay kept a tapestry on the wall in his quarters aboard the Voyager. (VOY: "Scientific Method")

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