Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Multiple realities
(covers information from several alternate timelines)
Kantare supply ship

A Kantare supply ship

A supply ship was a type of vessel used by various powers.

Like a freighter, a supply ship's primary mission was to move supplies and cargo. However, unlike a freighter, a supply ship was attached to an "official" or "military" organization, such as Starfleet or the Cardassian Central Command, and the cargo they carried were of an official and/or governmental nature. A supply ship attached to a military fleet, for example, carried spare parts or provided medical assistance needed to restock and resupply the other ships in the fleet as needed.

When the Andorian Commander Thy'lek Shran first encountered Captain Jonathan Archer at the monastery at P'Jem, Shran inquired, during his interrogation of Archer, if Enterprise NX-01 was a supply ship bringing the Vulcans more surveillance equipment. (ENT: "The Andorian Incident")

In the 2260s of the alternate reality, information on supply vessels was located in the Federation database. (Star Trek Beyond)

Supply vessels were mentioned in a list of vessel types, which appeared to the left of the personnel file for Balthazar Edison. [1]

Following the establishment of the Strnad colony in 2364, Doctor Beverly Crusher pointed out to Captain Jean-Luc Picard that the entire affair had been exhausting for the entire crew, noting that "we're not a supply vessel. Settling all those people has been a strain on everyone. I'm tired myself." (TNG: "Justice")

A supply ship typically had a relatively small crew. The USS Lantree, for example, had a total complement of twenty-six officers and crew on board. The vessels were also not typically well armed. Again as an example, the Lantree was said to have only class 3 defensive armaments. (TNG: "Unnatural Selection")

Enterprise-D and Romulan supply ship

The Enterprise meets with a Romulan supply ship in 2369

During the Klingon Civil War of 2368, cloaked Romulan supply ships were used to supply the House of Duras. Near the end of the war, Commander Sela led a fleet of fifteen supply ships that attempted to run a blockade led by the USS Enterprise-D. Her ships were exposed by the USS Sutherland, forcing her to withdraw. Starfleet shared its sensor scans of the supply ships with Chancellor Gowron, who noted that they would be most useful. (TNG: "Redemption II")

At least three of the ships were D'deridex-class warbirds; it is uncertain whether the remaining supply ships were of the same or a different class.

In 2369, a D'deridex-class warbird had this designation when it transported several Klingon youths from the planet Carraya IV to the USS Enterprise-D after they had decided to leave a secluded prison camp on the planet to learn more about their people. (TNG: "Birthright, Part II")


Supply ships by name[]


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