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Memory Alpha
Starfleet Uniform Code of Justice

A printed volume of the code (2259)

The Starfleet Uniform Code of Justice was a body of laws that governed the operations and officers of Starfleet alongside Federation law. The Starfleet Command Judge Advocate General's Office was responsible for applying the code, and it was considered the responsibility of Starfleet officers to uphold it.


The code outlawed knowingly submitting false information to Starfleet, a charge that could carry a minimum of two years imprisonment.

Starfleet codes 614 through 617 prohibited Starfleet officers from engaging in permanent DNA modification or bio-engineering. Neera Ketoul considered these among Starfleet's "Draconian race laws", in how it treated Illyrians differently.

Starfleet code 8514 referred to granting political asylum. It read: "In extraordinary and extreme circumstances, if the following conditions are met: (1.) Any person fleeing persecution or fearing for their life due to political or religious beliefs, cultural engagements or biological truths may, (2.) Seek safety within Starfleet, and (3.) Upon revealing themselves to authorities and making a request, may be granted asylum. Status is confirmed by a Starfleet tribunal or designated authority." (SNW: "Ad Astra per Aspera")

Chapter Four, Article Twelve of the Uniform Code of Justice granted an individual the right to make a statement before being questioned as part of a hearing. (TNG: "The Drumhead")


In 2259, Lieutenant Commander Una Chin-Riley revealed to Starfleet that she had submitted false information in applying to Starfleet, that she was in fact Illyrian and had undergone genetic modification. This resulted in her arrest and court martial. In preparing to represent Commander Chin-Riley, lawyer Neera Ketoul asked to review Volume 12.9 of the Starfleet Uniform Code of Justice. During the subsequent court martial, the Starfleet Uniform Code was referenced and read from frequently, and Ketoul successfully made the case that Chin-Riley be found not guilty by virtue of having sought asylum. (SNW: "Ad Astra per Aspera")

In 2367, Rear Admiral Norah Satie was brought out of retirement to investigate an incident aboard the USS Enterprise-D, resulting in a series of hearings and questionings. At one point, Captain Jean-Luc Picard sought to make a statement before being questioned, and reminded Satie of his right to do so under Chapter Four, Article Twelve of the Uniform Code of Justice. (TNG: "The Drumhead")

The term "Federation Uniform Code of Justice" was used in the script for "The Drumhead", though "Uniform Code of Justice" was used in the final episode.

Novels have otherwise named a Starfleet Code of Military Justice (and regulations on chief medical officers in protecting their patients from self harm,) as in Gods of Night, and a Uniform Code of Starfleet Justice, as in Captain's Peril.

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