Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Federation Judicial Code

An excerpt from the Federation Judicial Code.

Federation Judicial Code, also known as Federation Legal Code or the Federation Code of Justice, documented regulations of Federation law within the United Federation of Planets.

When charged, Federation citizens were tried for crimes under the Federation Code of Justice. (DS9: "The Maquis, Part II")

It read, in part:

• ORDER 104, SECTION B: Starfleet order that deals with chain of command. Commodore Matt Decker quoted regulation 104-B to Spock when taking command of the Enterprise in 2267.
• ORDER 104, SECTION C: Starfleet regulation states that the Chief Medical Officer may relieve a commander of duty if he or she is mentally or physically hurt. Precedent: C. Stocker, a Starfleet officer who assumed command of Starbase 10 in 2267. Stocker was transported to the post aboard the starship Enterprise. While en route, several Enterprise personnel became ill with a radiation induced hyperaccelerated aging disease. Fearing the loss of these officers, Stocker assumed command of the Enterprise.

Order 104 in the Federation Judicial Code refers to precedents in command postings, with Section B describing an event from the USS Enterprise; and Section C described the regulation in which a chief medical officer could relieve a commanding officer if they deemed the officer to be unfit for duty. (VOY: "Tinker Tenor Doctor Spy"; cf. TOS: "The Doomsday Machine", "The Deadly Years")

The excerpt for Section B (and the first sentence of Secton C) of the Judicial Code that appeared in "Tinker Tenor Doctor Spy" was lifted directly (or was slightly modified in the case of the first sentence of Section C from the "Starfleet General Orders and Regulations" entry from the Star Trek Encyclopedia, 3rd ed., p. 468, while the remainder of Section C was lifted directly from the "Stocker" entry from the Star Trek Encyclopedia, 3rd ed., p. 278.


In 2370, Gul Dukat inquired what would happen to Maquis prisoners in Federation custody, and Commander Benjamin Sisko explained they would be given a fair trial under the Federation Code of Justice, and set free if found innocent. (DS9: "The Maquis, Part II")

In 2376, Captain Kathryn Janeway reviewed the legal precedents in Federation law for granting command positions to holograms, in her consideration of upgrading The Doctor to be an ECH. At that time, however, there weren't any precedents on the matter for her to regard. (VOY: "Tinker Tenor Doctor Spy" okudagram)

Later that year, Captain Janeway again reviewed the Judicial Code when some of her crew were held captive aboard a Borg cube. (VOY: "Collective")

A "Uniform Code of Interplanetary Justice" existed in the final script of TOS: "Mudd's Women", which referred to Harcourt Fenton Mudd's hearing as being "in compliance with Article Nine", though was not in the final episode.

The term "Federation Uniform Code of Justice" was used in the script for "The Drumhead", though "Uniform Code of Justice" was used in the final episode. Similarly, the script for "The Maquis, Part II" also first used "Federation Uniform Code of Justice", though "Federation Code of Justice" was used in the final episode.
