Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
NX-01 sensor log

The sensor log of Enterprise NX-01 in 2151

A sensor log was the recorded information collected by a sensor (or set of sensors). Storing the sensor information in a log allowed it to be re-examined at a later time.

Sub-Commander T'Pol and Commander Tucker studied the sensor logs of Enterprise in 2151 shortly after three Suliban soldiers abducted the Klingon Klaang from the ship's sickbay. They found nothing and T'Pol commented that the Human technology was not improved enough since it could not isolate plasma decay to detect the Suliban's warp trail. (ENT: "Broken Bow")

In 2154, Jonathan Archer offered the sensor logs of the Andorian warship Kumari to Tellarite Ambassador Gral in an attempt to offer proof that the Kumari was attacked by a Tellarite vessel. (ENT: "Babel One")

In 2367, Geordi La Forge played back the sensor log inside the USS Enterprise-D's engine room to demonstrate the explosion that took place to Jean-Luc Picard and Admiral Norah Satie. (TNG: "The Drumhead")

In 2368, in at least one iteration of a temporal causality loop in which the Enterprise-D was destroyed in the Typhon Expanse, Doctor Beverly Crusher reported hearing voices in her quarters and that ten other crew members had heard them at the same time. Data reported that the sensors had not picked up anything anomalous and Picard asked him to re-check the sensor logs. (TNG: "Cause And Effect")

The exocomps, designed by Farallon, were outfitted with sensor logs. (TNG: "The Quality of Life")

In 2369, La Forge checked the sensor log of the Runabout after he and Picard, Troi, and Data experienced the "frozen in time" phenomena. (TNG: "Timescape")

The crew of the USS Enterprise-D in 2370 offered to assist in repairing Prak's Marauder in exchange for the D'Kora-class ship's sensor logs of the missing Fleming. (TNG: "Force of Nature")

That same year, the sensor log of the Enterprise-D recorded a theta flux distortion despite this being a type of distortion that Starfleet sensors were not designed to detect. It later transpired that the distortion had been detected by an emergent lifeform on the vessel. (TNG: "Emergence")

At the beginning of Captain Jean-Luc Picard's experience with a temporal paradox brought on by Q after Humanity was found guilty by the Q Continuum of being an inferior species, the crew of the Enterprise-D checked the sensor logs to attempt to determine what Picard might be experiencing. (TNG: "All Good Things...")

In 2371, Commander Benjamin Sisko arranged to have the sensor logs which showed a Dominion anti-proton beam in action given to the Cardassians. Later, Dukat was able to obtain Thomas Riker's sensor logs of the Orias system, in exchange for handing the Maquis personnel over to the Federation. (DS9: "Defiant")

That same year, Ensign Seska offered to erase the sensor logs after a failed attempt to use a covertly obtained spatial trajector on the USS Voyager. Lieutenant B'Elanna Torres, however, would not allow it, as she didn't want the incident to be covered up. (VOY: "Prime Factors")

The USS Defiant's sensor logs were used in Worf's extradition hearing. Advocate Ch'Pok had no doubt they were accurate. (DS9: "Rules of Engagement")

Kathryn Janeway studied the Voyager's sensor logs and analyzed them with a transpectral analysis to determine that the Borg had been communicating with Seven of Nine just before an away mission on a Borg sphere in which she stayed behind, seemingly out of a decision to rejoin the Borg Collective. This convinced her that Seven may have been forced to leave. (VOY: "Dark Frontier")

Voyager's sensor logs were damaged during the Kazon attack in the events surrounding the destruction of the Caretaker's array. The incompleteness of the logs would later fuel a conspiracy theory concocted in 2376 by Seven of Nine, caught in the grip of paranoia caused by being unable to properly process an excess of information downloaded into her cortical processing subunit. (VOY: "The Voyager Conspiracy")

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