Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Selin Peers was a joined Trill, the eighth host to the Peers symbiont. He was a minister of the Trill government. He identified Dax for Ilon Tandro before her abduction, and offered testimony during her subsequent extradition hearing aboard Deep Space 9 in 2369. Selin was accepted as an expert on Trill by the Bajoran arbiter Els Renora and testified on the nature of the Trill joined existence.

Though he did not know Jadzia Dax, Selin testified that she retained the memories of Curzon Dax. Tandro believed this made her guilty of crimes allegedly committed by Curzon. However, Selin also testified, under questioning from Benjamin Sisko, that Jadzia Dax was legally considered a different person from Curzon Dax. (DS9: "Dax")

Selin Peers was played by Richard Lineback.
