Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Lieutenant Saul Ramon was a Human who served as a Starfleet officer during the mid-23rd century.

In 2259, Ramon was assigned to the construction of Bavali Station, a deuterium refinery inside Bannon's Nebula. Alone among the crew, he perceived communications from hitherto unknown extradimensional lifeforms inhabiting the nebula, who were attempting to halt the project due to the harm it was inflicting on them. He began hearing a strange noise that no one else could, and experiencing vivid and disturbing hallucinations, particularly of a deceased individual close to him named John. The communications drove Ramon to sabotage the refinery, but also caused him to become mentally unstable.

Thanks to Commander Pelia, USS Enterprise personnel apprehended Ramon in the station's fuel distribution system. He was no longer lucid; Doctor Joseph M'Benga detected significant damage to the speech and language centers of his brain. After another burst of communication from the lifeforms, Ramon attacked M'Benga and fled sickbay. He fatally wounded an Enterprise crew member outside astrometrics, before making his way to the port nacelle. Ensign Nyota Uhura found him there in the midst of ejecting the fuel pod; she tried to talk him down by revealing that she had experienced the same phenomena he had, but was unable to stop him. In the ensuing explosion, Ramon was blown into the vacuum of space.

Following Ramon's death, Starfleet granted permission to decrypt his personal logs and medical files. Uhura reviewed them, with the assistance of Lieutenant James T. Kirk, and was able to surmise the nature of the lifeforms' communications. (SNW: "Lost in Translation")

Ramon was played by Michael Reventar.
