Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Rekag-Seronia, also known as Seronia, was an inhabited planet near Federation space.

In the 2360s, the Federation had a consulate in the city of Darthen.

Violent hostilities between two local factions, the Rekags and the Seronians, grew to such an acute level by 2369 that an important Federation shipping route was threatened. The Federation dispatched Ambassador Ves Alkar to mediate the dispute, held in the city of Darthen, in what was ultimately his final mission before his death in the same year. (TNG: "Man Of The People")

"REH-kahg" was the pronunciation for Rekag from the script pronunciation guide. [1]

The Star Trek Encyclopedia, 4th ed., vol. 2, p. 212 classified Rekag-Seronia as a class M planet in Federation space.

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