Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Multiple realities
(covers information from several alternate timelines)
For the Beta Quadrant planet, please see Rahm-Izad.

The Ram Izad homeworld was a inhabited Delta Quadrant planet, home to the Ram Izad species.

Ram-Izad homeworld without the Ram-Izad

The Ram Izad homeworld, as Annorax's attack erases the species from time

In 2374 of an alternate timeline, it became the target of a temporal incursion by the Krenim weapon ship. By eradication of the Ram Izad from time, Annorax managed to achieve a 52% restoration of the original Krenim timeline, but did not restore the colony at Kyana Prime. This timeline was negated when the weapon ship itself was erased from time. (VOY: "Year of Hell, Part II")
