Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

The following is a list of unnamed planets.

By quadrant[]

By species or group[]

By individual[]

By function or description[]

Unknown location[]

Iconian planets []

The surfaces of various planets were seen from an Iconian gateway that formed on the surface of Iconia in 2365. (TNG: "Contagion")

Places seen through the Iconian gateway on Iconia
Iconian gateway planet 1Iconian gateway planet 2Iconian gateway planet 3Iconian gateway planet 4Iconian gateway planet 5Iconian gateway planet 6

LCARS planet []

Unnamed planet, VOY lcars

LCARS planet

A graphic depicting this unidentified planet appeared in USS Voyager's library computer in 2375. (VOY: "Drone")

Planet between Delta and Alpha Quadrants []

Planet 2374

A planet

This planet, illuminated by a nearby star, existed in 2374 partway between the Delta and Alpha Quadrants. (VOY: "Hunters")

The world was shown in a somewhat impressionistic montage of a transmission traveling to USS Voyager from its home.

Planet used by Metrons []

Fight planet's surface

The surface of the planet

The location of this planet was unknown. Its surface was populated by scrub bushes, rocks, and mineral deposits.

After the Federation and Gorn came into conflict over Cestus III in 2267, the Metrons prepared this planet with a suitable atmosphere for both combatants, and transported Starfleet Captain James T. Kirk and a Gorn captain there to resolve the dispute. (TOS: "Arena")

In "Arena", although the Metrons refer to this place as a planet, Kirk once describes it as an asteroid.

Scenes on the planet were filmed at Vasquez Rocks Natural Area Park.

Star Trek Online's expansion "Agents of Yesterday" gives it the name "Edren IV". [1]

Q's planet []

Hide And Q planet set, remastered

The surface of "Q's planet"

In 2364, Q brought the crew of the USS Enterprise-D to the surface of a desolate planet in an unknown location. Data hypothesized that, due to Q's powers, the planet and its twin moons might not have existed at all. The surface was desert-like with rocks, and assumed by Data to be "obviously a class M world". No animal or plant life was found on the planet, and its sky was green. (TNG: "Hide And Q")

See also[]
