Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Phoebe Janeway was the daughter to Vice Admiral Janeway and sister of Kathryn Janeway. She was the artist in the family, while Kathryn was the scientist. (VOY: "Sacred Ground")

During her childhood, Phoebe often went on backpacking trips with her family, as her parents believed it would help her and her sister keep a connection to their pioneer roots. Additionally, as she had grown up around farmers, her parents insisted that she and her learn basic gardening skills. (VOY: "Resolutions")

When Kathryn was a child, she spilled Phoebe's paints on the floor and blamed the mess on the dog. Upon discovering the mess, her father told her, "Come on, Kate. Make something great out of that mess." (PRO: "Mindwalk"). Her mother was still alive as of 2378. (VOY: "Author, Author")

Following the death of their father, Phoebe helped Kathryn "deal with the real world". She was who Kathryn would turn to when she would wake up and feel that their father was in the room with her. (VOY: "Coda")

This character was only mentioned in dialogue.

Her name originated in the novel Mosaic, which further stated that she was four years younger than Kathryn. The Autobiography of Kathryn Janeway gives her full name as Phoebe Teresa Janeway.

In the second novel in the String Theory trilogy, a Nacene attempts to infiltrate the crew by altering their memories to create the illusion that she is Phoebe Janeway, who accompanied Voyager on its first mission to do a portrait of the Badlands and was caught in the transfer to the Delta Quadrant.

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