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Vice Admiral Janeway was a Starfleet flag officer who served during the early to mid-24th century.


Janeway (Male Admiral)

Matrix alien appear to Janeway as Janeway

Janeway was the married father of two daughters, Kathryn and Phoebe. (VOY: "Coda") When Kathryn was a child, she spilled Phoebe's paints on the floor and blamed the mess on the dog. Upon discovering the mess, he told her, "Come on, Kate. Make something great out of that mess." (PRO: "Mindwalk")

When Kathryn was a child, Janeway and his wife took their daughters on backpacking trips. They considered it was important that they should all keep a connection to their pioneer roots– no bed, no replicator. (VOY: "Resolutions") When Kathryn was nine, the her father hiked the north rim of the Grand Canyon, which he called "Earth's biggest ditch." (VOY: "Imperfection")

When Kathryn was in high school she left their home late at night on occasion, and years later could recall tiptoeing past her parents' bedroom. (VOY: "The Swarm")

The admiral died under the ice cap of Tau Ceti Prime in 2358. (VOY: "Coda") His widow was still alive as of 2378. (VOY: "Author, Author")

In 2373, an alien that occupied Captain Janeway's brain appeared to her in the form of her father. (VOY: "Coda")


Background information[]

Vice Admiral Janeway, as assumed by the matrix alien, was played by Len Cariou. He was described in the script as "a man in his 50's, dressed in a Starfleet Admiral's uniform of some fifteen years ago. He is a pleasant-looking man with grey eyes and salty hair."

His first name was given on an okudagram in "The Killing Game"; see the talk page for more information. He is given a different and longer first name at where he was named Edward Janeway.[1](X)

A wardrobe error incorrectly placed a 2370s combadge on the admiral's uniform Janeway supposedly wore in the 2350s. His Starfleet uniform was unlike any we had ever seen in Star Trek, but other admirals of the same era wore different uniforms, as evidenced by Mark Jameson and Gregory Quinn in TNG Season 1, circa 2364.


Admiral Janeway's death was also featured in Mosaic, a novel by Jeri Taylor. Taylor created the character of Janeway, and established in the book that his first name was Edward and that he drowned during the testing of a prototype ship, an accident which also claimed the life of Kathryn Janeway's fiancé. Admiral Janeway also appears in The Lives of Dax short story "The Music Between the Notes".

In the anthology series Distant Shores, the framing story looks at Admiral Kathryn Janeway experiencing what appears to be a vision of Seska encouraging her to look back on her life, eventually apparently offering Janeway the chance to avoid Voyager being trapped in the Delta Quadrant in the first place, but she eventually rejects this illusion, recognizing it as another attack by this creature.

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