Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

List of unnamed Parliament-class starships.

Starbase 25 visitors []

These two starships were docked at Starbase 25 in 2381. These ships were similar in design to the USS Vancouver, though they featured several structural differences. (LD: "An Embarrassment Of Dooplers")

Later the same year, they were again present at Starbase 25 when Badgey connected his program to the Federation computer networks, and temporarily seized control of every starship, space station, and planetary system in the quadrant. (LD: "A Few Badgeys More")

Lapeeria support ship []

Parliament class at Lapeeria

A Parliament-class ship at Lapeeria

This starship served as a support ship during the USS Cerritos' first contact mission to Lapeeria in late 2381. (LD: "First First Contact")
