Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Captain Dorg was a male Klingon who was the commanding officer of the IKS Che'Ta', and the "puppet master" behind the Pakled attacks on the Federation from late 2380 through 2381. (LD: "wej Duj")

Believing that the Klingon Empire had grown weak and lost its way through its peaceful interactions with the Federation, Dorg sought to destabilize Federation-Klingon relations using the Pakleds as a proxy. Dorg supplied the Pakleds with various Klingon weaponry, and provided Rebner of the Pakled Clumpship Pakled with a Varuvian bomb, for a plan to smuggle the bomb to Earth. However, he was forced to give them another after they tested the first one on a large asteroid in System 7743.8. Dorg took these actions without the approval of the Klingon High Council, believing that they lacked foresight but would support a new war once it began.

Dorg's authority as captain of the Che'Ta' was challenged first by his first officer Togg, then later by his replacement first officer, Ma'ah, who disagreed with Dorg's desire to sabotage peace. After Dorg ordered the Che'Ta' to open fire on the USS Cerritos and the VCF Sh'vhal, Ma'ah killed him to prevent the battle from continuing. Ma'ah then ordered the Che'Ta' to retreat from battle and report back to Qo'noS. (LD: "wej Duj")

Dorg was voiced by Colton Dunn.

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