Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Macintosh displaying molecular design for transparent aluminum

A Macintosh Plus computer (1986)

For the "role" played by Majel Barrett over the years, please see computer voice.
"Hello, computer."

A computer was, according to Data, "an electronic or mechanical apparatus capable of carrying out repetitious or complex mathematical operations at high speed. Computers are used to control, process, perform, or store information." (TNG: "The Big Goodbye")

In the episode "Children of Mars", text seen in a graphic display identified computers as a type of electromagnetic device.

By the 23rd century, Starfleet qualified Spock as an A-7 computer expert, and, along with Captain James T. Kirk, he was one of the most adept with the machines on the USS Enterprise. (TOS: "Court Martial", "The Ultimate Computer")

Early computers[]

Space module panel

The computer panel for a space module

Although mechanical computing devices had been employed on Earth since the 1600s, the earliest electronic computer technology was developed in the late 1940s, though the most basic components to create such computers were already available to the public as early as 1930. (TOS: "The City on the Edge of Forever")

Early computers did not have voice recognition: users required a keyboard and mouse to select the necessary program. One of the principal historical events on Earth of 1987 was the cloning of computers from carrots. (Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home)

On the "desktop," different icons represented the different functions of the computer. Captain Janeway compared computers of this age to "stone knives and bearskins." (VOY: "Future's End")

Yoshimitsu computer CPUs might be among the cargo carried by early 22nd century colony ships. (TNG: "Up The Long Ladder", display graphic)

Duotronic systems[]

The duotronic computer was invented by Doctor Richard Daystrom in 2243 and became the primary computing platform for all Starfleet vessels for the next eighty years. (TOS: "The Ultimate Computer")

Multitronic system[]

The M-series multitronic system, also invented by Dr. Richard Daystrom, was the first attempt at placing a fully independent artificial intelligence (AI) system on a starship. The first four multitronic units were failures, but the fifth generation (dubbed M-5) was the first considered advanced enough for actual field testing. Unfortunately, M-5's field test was a failure as well, and no further tests were conducted. The project was later abandoned. (TOS: "The Ultimate Computer")

Isolinear systems[]

In 2329, Starfleet began to adopt a new system of computing using isolinear optical chips. (TNG: "Relics")

See also[]

Bioneural systems[]

In the 2370s, isolinear computer systems began to be enhanced by the inclusion of bio-neural circuitry, of which the bio-neural gel packs formed a huge part. (VOY: "Caretaker") Bio-neural circuitry is prone to certain bacterial and viral infections, along with subnucleonic radiation. (VOY: "Learning Curve", "Macrocosm", "One") USS Voyager's main computer processor was capable of simultaneous access to 47 million data channels, of transluminal processing at 575 trillion calculations per nanosecond, and having operational temperature margins from 10 ° to 1790 ° Kelvin. (VOY: "Concerning Flight")

Positronic systems[]

Positronics are used in advanced forms of computer systems. Their electromagnetic signature is only found in Soong-type androids. This system was developed by Noonien Soong.

Advanced computers[]

The following computers acted as caretakers for civilizations.

Handheld devices[]


Related links[]

The first draft script of DS9: "When It Rains..." referred to a burn-back, though this computer method is not referenced in canon.

External link[]
