Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

List of unnamed Federation starships of the Miranda-class.

Stranded in Spacedock []

Miranda class in spacedock, 2286

Stranded in spacedock

In 2286, this starship was disabled, during a layover in the Spacedock One, by an unknown alien probe. (Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home)

This ship would seem to have been referred to as the "USS Intrepid" in an early draft of the script, though the display graphics, mentioned below, favor a Constitution II-class vessel. That being said, it is more likely that she is one of the three Miranda-class starships displayed on the graphics featured in the movie, which were later sold at the It's A Wrap! sale and auction.

Qualor II hulks []

In 2368, the hulks of two starships were stored at Surplus Depot Z15 in orbit of Qualor II. (TNG: "Unification I")

These ships would have still been labeled as the USS Brattain from their earlier appearance in TNG: "Night Terrors"

Evacuation of Veridian III []

Miranda oberth nebula

The USS Farragut leads an Oberth-class starship and this starship from Veridian III

In 2371, this starship assisted the USS Farragut and an Oberth-class starship in recovering the crew of USS Enterprise-D from Veridian III, following the forced crash landing of its saucer section. (Star Trek Generations)

The visual effects model of the USS Reliant was still marked as the USS Saratoga from DS9: "Emissary" on the saucer, while the "rollbar" had the name and registry of the USS Brattain from TNG: "Night Terrors". [1]

Battle of Sector 001 []

In 2373, two starships fought against the Borg in the Battle of Sector 001.

The first starship was on the starboard side of the Borg cube firing photon torpedoes as the ship approached Earth.

The second starship was on the port side of Borg cube attempting to evade the Borg's tractor beam as it targeted nearby ships, including an Akira-class starship, and the USS Defiant. (Star Trek: First Contact)

All Miranda-class vessels depicted here were done as first-time CGI, with the model built at Industrial Light & Magic. One of the registries used is NCC-31911, the same registry number as USS Saratoga.

Gilhouly's task force []

Romulan warbirds join initial Federation-Klingon task force

A portion of Gilhouly's task force, including three Miranda-class starships

In mid-2373, these three starships, accompanied by two Excelsior-class starships, were part of Admiral Gilhouly's task force that arrived at Deep Space 9 to assist the space station against the Dominion threat, shortly after they entered the Alpha Quadrant and were joined by the Cardassians. (DS9: "By Inferno's Light")

Second Fleet []

In late 2373, two of these starships along with NCC-4186, belonged to the Second Fleet.

These ships later joined with the USS Defiant and IKS Rotarran, following the evacuation of DS9, for a counterattack against the Dominion forces. (DS9: "Call to Arms")

Three months after the start of the war at least three of these vessels were part of the retreating Second Fleet. (DS9: "A Time to Stand")

In Several Second Fleet vessels, the three Miranda-class ships that fly by the screen all carry NCC-4186's registry number.

Stationed at Starbase 375 []

In 2374, the three top starships along with the USS Trial, USS Late, and NCC-4186, were on patrol near Starbase 375, while the USS Defiant was stationed there, early during the Dominion War in 2374. Other ships present during those periods included the IKS Rotarran, USS Defiant, and USS Centaur. (DS9: "Sons and Daughters", "Behind the Lines")

Operation Return []

After these starships, composed of elements from the Second and Fifth Fleets, gradually came together at the starbase, they prepared to retake Deep Space 9. (DS9: "Favor the Bold", "Sacrifice of Angels")

Deep Space 9 stationed starships []

Federation-Klingon ships at DS9-1

In 2374, this starship along with USS Trial, USS Late, NCC-4186, a Vor'cha-class attack cruiser, and a Bajoran interceptor, were stationed on patrol near Deep Space 9 following the retake of the Deep Space 9. (DS9: "You Are Cordially Invited")

"You Are Cordially Invited" had essentially four different exterior scenes depicting what is counted here as the same group of Miranda-class vessels in various combinations of similar groupings of other ships.

Gaila's prison starbase patrols []

Federation starbase patrolled by Federation starships

These top three starships along with the USS Trial, USS Late, NCC-4186, along with two Excelsior-class starships, were on patrol near the Federation starbase where Quark's cousin Gaila was imprisoned in 2374. (DS9: "The Magnificent Ferengi")

First Battle of Chin'toka []

Second Battle of Chin'toka []

Miranda at Chintoka 2375

Miranda-class ship at Chin'toka

This starship participated in the Second Battle of Chin'toka in 2375. Hit by the Breen energy-dampening weapon, it was destroyed when it suffered a direct hit to its saucer section. (DS9: "The Changing Face of Evil")

Battle of Cardassia []

These starships participated in the invasion of Cardassia.

One of the ships was being chased by a Breen interceptor when the Dominion forces began their retreat to Cardassia Prime. (DS9: "What You Leave Behind")

Fleet assembled near Earth []

These starships were part of a fleet that assembled around a transwarp aperture that opened near Earth in mid-2378 and engaged Sphere 634 upon its emergence from the collapsing transwarp network. (VOY: "Endgame")
