Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

The USS Sitak (NCC-32591) was a 24th century Federation Miranda-class starship operated by Starfleet.

The Sitak was an active participant in the Dominion War. In 2374, the Sitak was part of the fleet assembled by Captain Benjamin Sisko for Operation Return.

USS Sitak and USS Majestic hit

The Sitak destroyed during battle

During the battle, the Sitak and the USS Majestic escorted the USS Defiant as the ships attempted to break through the Dominion lines. It was damaged after being hit in the port nacelle by a particle weapon, before finally being destroyed by taking a direct hit from a torpedo which vaporized much of its saucer section. (DS9: "Sacrifice of Angels")

Interestingly enough, Sisko consulted a Vulcan Admiral Sitak for the mission.

The starship's registry number was seen briefly on the dorsal surface of the primary hull as the ship passed the screen. This registry number, given as NCC-32591 but sometimes mistaken as NCC-33921, was not repeated on the ventral surface. For more information, see this discussion.

The scene featuring the Sitak that depicted its destruction was later reused in the final battle sequence from DS9: "What You Leave Behind".

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