Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Merp's species was a humanoid species. They were distinguished by aquamarine-colored skin and hair, two paired protuberances on their cheeks, large pointed ears, three-fingered hands, and three pairs of gill slits on their flanks. Male members of this species could experience baldness. (LD: "An Embarrassment Of Dooplers")

By the 2380s, members of this species were serving in Starfleet. (LD: "Second Contact", et al.)



Background Information[]

At least two members of this species are known by an adjective followed by "Merp". It is unclear whether these are nicknames or a naming convention used by the species.

Merps are likely a reference to Smurfs, as they have similar naming conventions, are blue, and “Merp” is pronounced like “Smurf” without the ‘S’’.
