Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
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This page contains information regarding Star Trek: Discovery, and thus may contain spoilers.

Lyrek was an uninhabited class M planet in the Vileen system, located in an outer sector of the Beta Quadrant. It had three moons, two of which moved in perfect synchrony. Once every seven years, these "twin moons" cast a double eclipse on a particular area of the surface. (DIS: "Red Directive", "Under the Twin Moons")

Astronomical data[]

Lyrek planetary data

Planetary data for Lyrek

Lyrek was located at coordinates 64+1234432.8134252+14.2. It orbited at a distance of 1.853 AU, with a period of 949 solar days and a Keplerian ratio of 1.013. Its rotation period was 64.1 hours long. The planet had a radius of 7025 kilometers and an estimated mass of 7.483e24×1024 kilograms, giving it a surface gravity of 1.04 g. Its age was estimated to be 4.958 billion solar years.

The atmosphere of Lyrek was composed of 78% molecular nitrogen, 20% molecular oxygen, 0.3% carbon dioxide, 1.1% argon, and 0.4% water vapor, with trace amounts of methane. The surface had an atmosphere pressure of 1.469 bars and a mean temperature of 296 K, and was lushly forested. (DIS: "Under the Twin Moons")


Prior to their extinction in the 14th century, the Promellians interred their dead within a large necropolis complex on Lyrek, centered on the location where the eclipse shadows fell. The site was defended from grave robbers by automated drones, powered by a strong natural electromagnetic field that enveloped the area and precluded transporter usage.

In the late 24th century, Doctor Vellek concealed the first piece of a map to the location of Progenitor technology under the plinth of a broken statue in the Lyrek necropolis, along with an inscribed clue to the next piece in the form of a Romulan revlav. At the time, the planet had not been explored for well over a century. Vellek included a sketch of Lyrek and its twin moons in his journal.

After taking Vellek's journal in 3191, Moll and L'ak traveled to Lyrek and found part of Vellek's clue. Believing this to be all there was, they departed for Betazed, which was in fact a red herring. Captains Michael Burnham and Saru subsequently investigated the site and, despite coming under attack by Promellian defenses, uncovered the rest of Vellek's clue along with the map piece. Afterwards, Burnham ordered DOT-23s deployed to repair the damage to the necropolis monuments. (DIS: "Under the Twin Moons")

Once they realized their mistake, Moll and L'ak returned to Lyrek, which was detected by sensors Discovery had left behind. (DIS: "Jinaal")
