Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

A list of unnamed Lorillians.

Child []

Lorillian child

A Lorillian child

This child (born circa 2147) was encountered on Rigel X in 2151, where he was weaned off from methyl oxide and onto oxygen. Commander Tucker did not understand this and believed that the mother was abusing the child by depriving it from breathing. He yelled at the mother to leave the child alone, but Sub-Commander T'Pol informed him of the situation. (ENT: "Broken Bow")

The child was played by Ethan Dampf.

Mother []

Lorillian mother

A female Lorillian

The mother was encountered on Rigel X in 2151, where she tried to wean her child off methyl oxide and onto oxygen. Commander Charles Tucker did not understand this and believed that the mother was abusing the child by depriving it from breathing. He yelled at the mother to leave the child alone, but Sub-Commander T'Pol informed him of the situation. (ENT: "Broken Bow")

The Lorillian mother was played by actress Chelsea Bond.

Woman []

Lorillian with box

The box lady

While on Rigel X, Commander Charles Tucker III found himself in line outside a security office, next to a woman holding a box. The female wore a brown, large-shouldered outfit, complete with a matching hat. The contents of her box remained unobserved, though it moved once. (ENT: "Broken Bow")

This Lorillian woman was played by background actress Whitney Hall who received no credit for this appearance.

The call sheet listed her as "Female Dbl. Nostril".

The box-holding woman's wardrobe was very similar to the outfits and hats worn by the J'naii in TNG's "The Outcast". Hall herself appeared in "The Outcast" too but in a different costume.
