Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

The Lactra VII zoo was a zoo on Lactra VII built and maintained by the Lactrans. (TAS: "The Eye of the Beholder")

The collection[]

The collection contains various species from several planets.

Aquatic creature[]

Lactra VII aquatic creature

Aquatic creature in a boiling lake

An aquatic environment contained an unknown aquatic creature. The water was a very high temperature.

Canopus III dinosaur[]

Canopus III dinosaur hit

Canopus III dinosaur

The Canopus III dinosaur was kept in a desert environment nearly identical to its natural habitat on Canopus III.

Maravel dragon-like creature[]

Maravel dragon

A Maravel dragon-like creature

The Maravel dragon-like creature was kept in a rainforest environment.


Zoo Humans

A Lactran watches Humans in their native environment

The Human specimens were kept in an environment that included real grass and apple trees, a house, a stone walkway, and a pool. An exhibit of Human tools were on display outside the Human enclosure, including a phaser, a communicator, a medical kit, and a tricorder.

Humans kept in the zoo

Unknown creature #1[]

Zoo Unknown 1

Unknown species #1

A strange creature.

Unknown creature #2[]

Zoo Unknown 2

Unknown species #2

A wolf-like creature.

Unknown creature #3[]

Zoo Unknown 3

Unknown species #3

An insectoid creature.
