Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Multiple realities
(covers information from several alternate timelines)
Apple up close

An apple


A bowl of red apples

Fruits, 1893

Apples, oranges, and bananas in 1893

Kirk eating apple

Kirk eating an apple

Sigma Iotia apples

Apples on Sigma Iotia II

For the TOS episode with a similar title, please see "The Apple".

An apple was an edible fruit with a sweet taste, red, green, or even yellow in color. Besides the domestic apple native to Earth, different varieties of apples had been known to be cultivated in otherworldly forms.

Sir Isaac Newton made his theory of gravity after the Q known as Quinn accidentally knocked an apple on his head. (VOY: "Death Wish") In later centuries, many intellectuals considered the "apple story" of Newton's discovery to be apocryphal. (TNG: "Descent")

In 1957, apples were available at Johnnies Market for 15 cents per pound. (ENT: "Carbon Creek")

In the late 20th century, an apple was incorporated into the design of the mission insignia for the space shuttle orbiter mission STS-51L. The apple followed the name of the first teacher in space, Christa McAuliffe. (ENT: "First Flight")

In 2257, the mirror Agent Philippa Georgiou ate an apple after boarding the USS Discovery with a shuttlecraft that was recovered by Section 31 that Spock had earlier stolen from a Starfleet Medical facility on Starbase 5. After having a conversation with Commander Burnham in a corridor of the ship, she dropped the apple on the floor. (DIS: "Saints of Imperfection")

In 2258 of an alternate reality, Cadet James T. Kirk arrogantly chewed on an apple while handily defeating the Kobayashi Maru scenario. (Star Trek)

In 2270, what appeared to be apples were among the fruit served on a platter to Kirk, Spock, and McCoy while they were temporarily being held in the Lactra VII zoo. A food labeled apples were also available on Sigma Iotia II sidewalk. (TAS: "The Eye of the Beholder"; TOS: "A Piece of the Action")

Also in 2270, what appeared to be apples were among the fruit on a platter on the dining table on the USS Enterprise. Later, apples were among the items that the food synthesizer spat out at Montgomery Scott. (TAS: "The Practical Joker")

In 2285, Admiral James T. Kirk ate an apple while in the Genesis cave on Regula. (Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan)

In 2364, Groppler Zorn offered Commander William T. Riker some fruits when he visited Zorn in his office in Old Bandi City. Riker wanted an apple, but there were none available. The Farpoint Station entity then created a bowl of apples, as it was instructed to satisfy the desires of the Starfleet crew. This led Riker to suspect the Bandi were not being completely honest about the origins of Farpoint. (TNG: "Encounter at Farpoint")

In 2368, Doctor Berlinghoff Rasmussen's guest quarters aboard the USS Enterprise-D featured a bowl of apples, one of which Rasmussen used to play with. (TNG: "A Matter Of Time")

Deanna Troi ate an apple while talking to her mother about her upcoming wedding with Campio of Kostolain. (TNG: "Cost Of Living")

While stranded in San Francisco of 1893, Data passed a street salesman, who sold fruits, including green and red apples, oranges, and bananas. (TNG: "Time's Arrow")

Beverly Crusher had a bowl of red apples in her quarters on the Enterprise D. (TNG: "Suspicions")

B'Elanna Torres kept a bowl with apples on a table in her quarters aboard Voyager. (VOY: "Parallax")

In 2371, Joe Carey found a fruit that resembled an apple while on an away team scouting a planet for food. However, Neelix informed Carey that it was a poisonous kaylo fruit and suggested they spend their time gathering leola root instead. (VOY: "State of Flux")

In the holodeck program of the poem Beowulf, apples were among the food on the table in King Hrothgar's great hall. (VOY: "Heroes and Demons")

In 2373, Kathryn Janeway jokingly suggested that Chakotay could phaser an apple off her head for USS Voyager's next Talent Night. He replied that if he missed, he would then be captain. (VOY: "Coda")

Tom Paris used an apple to test the effects of the Voth personal cloaking device. (VOY: "Distant Origin")

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