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List of unnamed Klingons who lived during the 22nd century.

Antaak's father []

The father of Antaak belonged to the House of Antaak. When this father's son chose to become a healer, his father disowned him. (ENT: "Divergence")

This character was only mentioned in dialogue.


2151 []

Klingon chancellor, 2151

The Klingon chancellor

This chancellor of the Klingon High Council was present in 2151 when Enterprise NX-01 brought Klaang back to Qo'noS with evidence that the Cabal was attempting to pit the Klingons against each other. When Jonathan Archer brought Klaang to him, the chancellor cut Klaang's palm, as the evidence was hidden in the DNA of Klaang's blood. He then walked over to Archer, put his dagger by Archer's throat, and uttered something in his native language. When Archer stated he hoped it meant thank you, Hoshi Sato told him that he did not want to know what the chancellor had actually said. (ENT: "Broken Bow")

The Klingon Chancellor was played by actor Peter Henry Schroeder.

By mid-2153, he had apparently been succeeded by another chancellor, possibly M'Rek. (ENT: "The Expanse", "The Augments")

However, based on the similarity of costume and makeup between this character and the 2153 chancellor, it was assumed by the Star Trek Encyclopedia, 4th ed., vol. 2, p. 6 that this chancellor was M'Rek, who was mentioned by name in the "The Augments".)

2153 []

Klingon chancellor, 2153

The Klingon chancellor

This chancellor of the Klingon High Council served in 2153 when Duras was ordered to pursue the Enterprise into the Delphic Expanse. He said that Archer had escaped them twice and that the Klingon magistrate should have never commuted Archer's death sentence. (ENT: "The Expanse")

The Klingon chancellor was played by actor Dan Desmond and could be M'Rek, the chancellor mentioned in "The Augments". However, given their very similar cranial ridges and general appearance, it could have been intended to be the same Chancellor as in "Broken Bow", simply portrayed by a different actor.

Based on the similarity of costume and makeup between the 2151 chancellor and this character, it was assumed by the Star Trek Encyclopedia, 4th ed., vol. 2, p. 6 that this chancellor was M'Rek, who was mentioned by name in the "The Augments".

Council members[]

Council attendees []

These council members were present when Jonathan Archer returned Klaang to the Klingons' homeworld, Qo'noS in 2151. (ENT: "Broken Bow")

These Klingons are listed simply as "10 Klingons" on the call sheet of the episode. They filmed their scene, scene 227, on Wednesday 6 June 2001 on Paramount Stage 8.

Council dignitaries []

These two dignitaries were present when Captain Jonathan Archer returned Klaang to Qo'noS in 2151. They were seated at a large table with the chancellor and another councilor. (ENT: "Broken Bow")

These two Klingons are identified as "2 Klingon dignitaries" on the call sheet of the episode. They filmed their scene, scene 227, on Wednesday 6 June 2001 on Paramount Stage 8.

Council guards []

These three guards were present when Captain Jonathan Archer returned Klaang to Qo'noS in 2151. Two of them opened the large wooden door to the council chamber to let Klaang and the away team from Enterprise NX-01 enter. The third guard stood in front of the council table. (ENT: "Broken Bow")

These three Klingons are identified as "3 Klingon guards" on the call sheet of the episode. They filmed their scene, scene 227, on Wednesday 6 June 2001 on Paramount Stage 8.

Councilor 1 []

Klingon council member, broken bow

Klingon council member

This councilor served on the High Council in 2151. (ENT: "Broken Bow")

The Klingon council member was played by regular guest actor Matt Williamson who previously played a Klingon in "Endgame", the final episode of Star Trek: Voyager.

Councilor 2 []

Klingon council member 1, 2153

Klingon council member

This councilor served on the High Council in 2153. When Duras was ordered to capture Archer, the council member chided him, saying that Archer had made a fool of him after Archer disabled Duras' ship when Duras was pursuing rebels. (ENT: "The Expanse")

This Klingon council member was played by actor Gary Bullock.

Council members []

These three council members were present when Duras was given orders to capture Jonathan Archer in 2153. (ENT: "The Expanse")

The robe worn by Clynell Jackson III was later sold off on the It's A Wrap! sale and auction on eBay. [1]

Goroth's starship personnel[]

Kolos' parents []

The parents of Kolos were noted for not following the way of the warrior. His father was a teacher and his mother was a biologist at a university. They encouraged Kolos' study of law. Kolos related this to Jonathan Archer in 2152 when the captain expressed his surprise that there were other classes in Klingon society than the warrior class. (ENT: "Judgment")

These Klingons were only mentioned in dialogue.

Korok's ship personnel[]

Krell's battle cruiser personnel[]

Military personnel[]

Narendra III inhabitants[]

Qu'Vat inhabitants[]

Repair station abductees []

These two abductees were among the aliens held by the automated repair station. Their brains were used to enhance the station's computer core.

In 2152, Captain Archer and T'Pol discovered these Klingons but were unable to rescue them as they were too long connected to the station. (ENT: "Dead Stop")

Rura Penthe inhabitants[]

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Unnamed Klingons (distant past)
Unnamed Klingons
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Unnamed Klingons (23rd century)
Unnamed Klingons (alternate reality)