Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Kerkhov was a class J gas giant planet orbiting the star 40 Eridani C, in the Vulcan system, at coordinates 2701.6513. It was orbited by a single moon, which was the homeworld of the long-vanished Kerkhovian civilization.

Kerkhov planetary data

Planetary data for Kerkhov

The planet had a rotation period of 10.8 hours and a revolution period of 4,198.5 solar days. It had an estimated mass of 1.98921 x 1027 kilograms and an estimated age of 4.7 billion solar years. Its atmosphere was composed of 82% molecular hydrogen, 16% helium, 0.16% water, and 0.07% methane, with trace amounts of argon, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, carbon monoxide, neon, xenon, and krypton. The mean surface temperature was -146.1 degrees Celsius.

In 2259, the USS Enterprise conducted a survey of the Kerkhovian moon and discovered that the Kerkhovians still existed, having migrated into interdimensional space. (SNW: "Charades")

The quadrant of this planet is inferred from the position of its star system in charts seen in several Star Trek: Strange New Worlds episodes.

In a display graphic seen aboard the shuttle Cervantes, this planet was identified as class L. [1]
