Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

The following is a list of unnamed Kobliad.

Bar patron on Ronara []

Kobliad on Ronara

A Kobliad man

This patron visited the bar on Ronara Prime in the Demilitarized Zone in 2370.

He was sitting at a table when Ro Laren, who was on an undercover mission to infiltrate the Maquis, joined him and kissed him to escape Lieutenant Commander Data and Lieutenant Worf. When Ro visited the bar a few days later again to meet with Jean-Luc Picard, the Kobliad recognized her and welcomed her but Ro turned down his offer. (TNG: "Preemptive Strike")

This Kobliad was played by an unknown actor.

Couple on Quarra []

This couple was employed at the Central Power Facility on Quarra in 2377. They worked with Kathryn Janeway, Tuvok, and Seven of Nine and also shared drinks at Umali's tavern.

Tom Paris offered to introduce B'Elanna Torres to the couple, explaining that they were "expecting their first baby in a few weeks. I thought you might want to get to know some other parents" to "swap stories, maybe even find a playmate for your baby" with. Torres thought Tom's gesture was nice. (VOY: "Workforce")

This Kobliad couple, played by Dieter Hornemann and Amy Kate Connolly, were listed as "Kaitlen" on the call sheets of "Workforce".

They were identified in the episode's script as "another Pregnant Woman and her Husband, both aliens."

Nightclub patron on Risa []

Kaitlen female on Risa

A female Kaitlen

This patron visited a nightclub on Risa in 2152. She had a few drinks with other patrons and eyed Malcolm Reed and Trip Tucker, amused, when the two went out of the nightclub in their underwear following their acquaintance with Dee'Ahn and Latia. (ENT: "Two Days and Two Nights")

This Kobliad was played by background actress Lisa Roumain who received no credit for this appearance.

She is listed as "Female Kaitlin" on the call sheet and filmed her scenes on Wednesday 27 March 2002 on Paramount Stage 9.

Reyab pilot []

This pilot operated the Kobliad transport Reyab in 2369. When a fire occurred, caused by the criminal Rao Vantika, he died. (DS9: "The Passenger")

This pilot was only mentioned in dialogue.

Vantika's victims []

According to Ty Kajada, Rao Vantika had murdered countless people on his home Kobliad, including several prisoners from the penitentiary where he had worked as a medical supervisor. (DS9: "The Passenger")

These victims were only mentioned in dialogue.

Visitor at DS9 []

Kobliad female, 2370

A Kobliad woman

This female was walking along the upper level of the Promenade with a Bajoran woman when she caught the attention of the leering Grand Nagus Zek as she passed by the cafe outside of Quark's in 2370. (DS9: "Rules of Acquisition")

This Kobliad was played by an unknown actress.

According to the script, this scene opened with Zek's observation that "he never realized there were so many females on the station."
