Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Kahn was a Trill symbiont in the 23rd century and 24th century. Kahn had at least two hosts.

Kahn was born on Trill, in the Caves of Mak'ala like all Trill symbionts. (DS9: "Equilibrium")

By 2285, the Kahn symbiont was joined to Nilani, who was married to joined Trill Torias Dax. In that year, Torias was killed in a shuttle accident, leaving Nilani heartbroken.

By 2373, the Kahn symbiont had been joined to Lenara. She visited Deep Space 9 on a scientific mission, working to create an artificial wormhole, and met Kahn's ex-husband, Dax, now Jadzia Dax. The Kahn symbiont considered reassociation, but that would put it in danger of being expelled from Trill, never allowed to return. After temporarily rejoining, Jadzia was ready to take that risk but Lenara decided it would be best to stay apart. (DS9: "Rejoined")



In the non-canon online game Star Trek Online, some time between 2373 and the early 25th century the Kahn symbiont was joined to its seventh host, Damar Kahn. Damar, who like many of the previous Kahn hosts was a scientist, studied the effects of supernovas. He is found on Starbase 114 in the game. During the episode "Heading Out" you are to pick him up from Starbase 114 and deliver him to Starbase 39-Sierra where he will board the USS Tucker for the Hobus system.

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